2024 January 28 - 1 New Feature
The following new Admin feature has been released:
The ability to generate a Requirement Report in an alternative Language
Why may you want to do this?
While the ability to select another language for Users to both view and generate a report on their Skills profile, has always existed, the ability to generate Job/Role Profiles (Requirements), is now also available for our non English speaking customers.
Β Instructions
This feature is a managed via the Admin interface
To generate Requirements Reports in an alternative language.
Requirement Profiles have basically three (3) components to them:
The SFIA Translations - SFIA Generic Attributes and Professional Skills
The various report Static Data, such as table headings, parameter heading related to the βOtherβ information referred to as the General Requirements, that we allow to be captured, and Explanations.
The actual General Requirements data itself that is captured to populate the various fields.
SFIA Translations
This is the simplest of the translations to change, as they have always been available.
Parameter Default Language, has now been exposed for changing via the editing of the Requirement Meta Data , or as part of an Export/Import via Manage Requirements. e.g.
Select the Default Language you require by editing the Meta Data field.
Note: The default will be English unless your system was imported to the new UI from our legacy platform, and you already had it set to an alternative language.
You can also update the Default Language via Export/Import. Default language has now been added to the Export/Import and Bulk Template Workbooks.
Note: The Exported and Template Workbooks, do NOT contain drop-downs for this parameter, and it does require the correct format for the language selection. So we suggest changing 1 or 2 via the Meta Data change which does have a drop down, then using copy/paste the Default Language parameter from an Exported Workbook to change the remaining Requirements needing changing. If default language is Blank, English will be assumed.
All future Imports of Requirement Data will now need to include the Default Language column. So for future Imports you will need to do an Export 1st, so you get a new version of the Import Workbook.
Static Data
The translations of this data is able to be customized to suit your own requirements. We do not provide default translations, as we have found that customers prefer to manage these themselves. The have now all been added to the All Translations, able to be Exported & Imported via Manage Page Labels. A set of translations with a Page Reference of RptJobProfile are now available to be Exported, Updated and Imported for the language you wish to use. The following shows a German example for a set of them:
The following is the link to the Admin Guide reference for All Translations: 22. Manage Page Labels | Export/Import
General Requirements
This is the actual data that you have populated the Requirements with when you created and edited the Requirements.
We obviously do not have translations for those, so if you have not already done so, you will need to capture these (or edit and change them) in your preferred language.