2024 March 06 - 4 Feature changes

Action Plan - The following 2 changes have been released:

  1. It is now easier to differentiate Partial skill gaps using the icons and hover-overs.

    • A Knowledge skill gap will have a Purple round icon, and the hover over will display:

      • You have a partial skill gap (Knowledge) at this level and no action to address it

    • A Proficiency skill gap will have an Orange square icon,and the hover=over will display:

      • You have a partial skill gap (Proficiency) at this level and no action to address it

    • Note: Language translations are available for these in the All Translations table.

    • Why was this needed?

      • Customer feedback requested this change to better able to differentiate what type of Partial gap it was.

  2. Including Target Dates for Actions can now be made Mandatory via an Admin setting.

    • A new setting under Admin/Manage Features/Settings has been added:

      • Screenshot 2024-03-05 083514-20240304-223648.png
        Note: The Default will be set = No
    • When set = Yes, it will be Mandatory it include a Target Date when creating or editing Actions in the Action Plan. The Save button will not become active unless a date is included.

    • Why may you want to do this?

      • Customer feedback requested this change. However not all Customers may wish to impose this, so it does require an Admin setting to invoke this feature.


My Profile - Assign Future Requirements - The following change has been released:

  1. A new confirmation pop-up when assigning image-20240305-035339.png a new Future Job that suggests checking the Requirement details with a link to the Requirement Profile itself before using OK to make the change.

    • image-20240305-034928.png


    • The click here for details link will open the Requirement Profile in a new browser window.

    • Use the OK in the pop-up to confirm and make the change

    • Use the Cancel to cancel the Requirement change

    • Close the 2nd Requirement window when no longer required.

    • Why was this needed?

      • Customer feedback requested this change to ensure people understood any special requirements that may be associated with a Future job before selecting it.

Evidence - The following change has been released:

  1. Security restrictions now prevent file types that could be considered as executable from being uploaded as Evidence.

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