2024 September 04 - Several New & Changed Features

  • There has recently been several new and changed features based on Requests for enhancements from Customers that have been published. We have been informing Users of these changes by Spotlighting them individually usually via the Planner interface. This publication provides a list of the recent updates in case you have missed the Spotlights.

The following are User (Employee & Leadership) Planner feature changes

  1. When reviewing Skill Gaps from the Profile Page a new Wizard Wand Icon will display when there are skill gaps associated with skill levels lower than any already selected skill level for the same skill.

    • Example:


      While this person has already selected the MEAS Skill at level 4 as Competent, the Job also requires it at level 3, which they have NOT selected. The Wand is a recommendation Icon indicating that you are most likely eligible to select the required lower skill levels as well.

    • Employees (Users) can then select the Wand to invoke an automated Update of their Skill Profile with the missing lower skill levels and put there Profile into Edit mode. Note: They can then of course Save or Cancel the update as per std edit processes. Planner Guide Reference: https://skillstx.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYCblg

    • Leadership & Mentors can use the same process when reviewing the gaps of their Team Members, except that instead of updating the persons Profile, it will Propose the changes and inform the Team Member, who will then have the std option to Accept or Reject the proposed changes. Planner Reference: https://skillstx.atlassian.net/wiki/x/KQCclg

      • i.e.: #weownourskills still entails.

    • Why may you want to do this?

      • Often people may select only the highest level of a skill they have a competency in. However Jobs/Roles can often require Competency at more than 1 level, OR the job may only require Competency at a lower level. Keep in mind that for SFIA skills it is never assumed that skill levels are progressive. e.g. A skill at Levels 5-7 may have leadership attributes rather than functional ones, and the person may not necessarily have competency at the lower levels.

      • However we also recognized that skills can be progressive, and that being competent at a higher level, it can often also be assumed the person is Competent at the lower levels as well.

  2. Translations for The MyPeople Table Headers will display the full translated header with a hover-over.

    • Why this was requested?

      • Translations (e.g. German) often do not fit properly in the allocated Header space and show a cut-off version.

  3. My Profile table Skill Level headers are now centered. They were previously Left justified, making them difficult to check especially when reviewing skill gaps, which shows double cells for each level.

    • Example:

  4. Action and Evidence now include a Created date, and an additional Sort selection for Created Date.

    1. Example:

  5. Email Notifications from the SkillsTX portal now have a Display Name of: SkillsTX Notifications

    • Note: The Email Address currently remains the same i.e. donotreply@skillstx.com

  6. Skill selections for Actions, now include the full skill Name as well as the Skill Code/Level, previously it only consisted of the Code/Level. AND also now includes a hover-over displaying the skill/level description.

    1. Example:

The following are Administrator Planner feature changes

  1. Manage Requirements now includes extra fields/columns, all of which are now included in Export/Import and changeable via the Meta Data. They are:  

    • Department 

    • Reporting to

    •  Location

    •  FTE Count

    •  Employment Status

    In addition the page Table now also includes columns to show the number of people assigned to a Requirement:

    • User Count (Current Requirement)

    • User Count (Future Requirement)

  2. A set of Admin Tutorials regarding some of the useful features and functionality recently highlighted in an Email to all Administrators are now available via the Need Help:

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