2023 November 09 - New Admin Feature

The following new Admin Planner feature has been released:

  1. There is the ability to set-up and include up to 5 Site-defined parameters, (columns), to the Users (People) record. This feature was requested by a SkillsTX Partner.

    • Why may you want to do this?

      • You may wish to maintain a set of organization specific fields to be maintained for the person records.


This features is available from the Manage Users Admin Page. The following instructions do appear in the Admin Guide under Manage Users.

The following instructions do appear in the Admin Guide under Manage Users.

Additional Columns

There is the ability to set-up and include up to 5 Site-defined parameters, (columns), to the Users (People) record. While they can only be defined under Manage Users, afterwards they can be made visible to the following pages:

  1. Manage Users

  2. Assign Participants

  3. Track Participant Progress

Additional Columns Set-Up:

  1. Select the Additional Columns button

  2. They all have Default Column Names of Miscellaneous 1 - 5.

  3. Tick the selection box of the ones you wish to make Visible.

  4. Overwrite the default Miscellaneous Names as required with one that is meaningful to your organization.

  5. Use Save to Save your changes.

    1. Or Cancel to abandon the changes

  6. Use the Changing Columns Visibility as described below to make the columns visible for the pages that you require.

  7. You can Update the information stored in these columns by:

    1. Using the standard Changing a persons details.

    2. Using Export/Import. (These columns will appear once you have made them visible).

  • SkillsTX does not carry out any validation regarding the data you choose to store in these columns, and the data quality and options will need to be managed by yourselves.

  • Once added and made visible you will need to ensure your Import files are compatible. If they do NOT include the new Columns, Imports will fail.

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