2024 February 06 - 2 New Admin changes

The following 2 new changes to Admin functionality have been released:

  1. For Manage Users the list of table columns available to configured has been increased to assist Administrators. This was a due to requests by our Customers and Partners.

  2. For Assign Requirements additional columns have been included in the Export/Import Excel templates. This was a due to a request by a Partner.

    • Why this was requested?

      • The original Templates contained only the necessary information required to Import assignment changes. However it was not particularly helpful when managing the changes in the workbook, requiring constant reference back to the Admin portal.

      • Additional (information only) fields (columns) have been added to facilitate preparing changes for Importing. The extra fields are now included in the Upload Template and populated in the Export file. However it is not mandatory for them to be populated for an Import.

      • Reference in the Admin Guide: Assign Requirements | Upload template fields reference

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