2023 June 01 - Digital Wallet

2023 June 01 - Digital Wallet


The following new User Planner feature has been released:

  1. Digital Wallet

    • The Planner now has an additional tab called Digital Wallet.

      • This contains the digital badges that have been earned and issued via the Certification scheme which is documented in the March 21 Release notice.

      • The Digital Wallet provides the ability to not only see all the persons earned badges in one place, but also the capability to send a (temporary) link to the badges to up to 5 people at a time via email.

      • The link has the ability to have an expiration date set.

The Digital Wallet tab only appears once one or more badges have been earned and issued.


The instructions for using the Digital Wallet can be found in the Planner Guide under: 10. Digital Wallet

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