2023 Apr 06 - New features and fixes

  • The following changes have been released since the last New features update:

The Assign Requirements table is now able to be sorted on all columns (except the Action column)

  • This was requested specifically by a Customer

The Version number of a persons Endorsed Profile is no longer displayed in the Users Planner Profile page

  • This was requested specifically by a Partner

  • The date is however still visible

  • However anyone configured as an Admin to carry out Endorsements will be able to see the Endorsed profile version numbers.

    • Therefore, If they are also set up as a User, then they will see their own Endorsed Profile version number. This is expected to be a rare occurrence, as Endorsers, are generally external specialist consultants.

Self Registration now includes Self Registration Confirmation Wording text that is able to be edited and maintained via Admin

  • This was requested specifically by a Customer

  • The Manage Features/Settings Self Registration Wording now includes an extra edit block for making changes to the Self Registration Confirmation Wording.

    • Previously this was an automated text message the wording of which was not necessary suitable for all Customers.


  • Scheduled maintenance

  • When a user submits a certify request an automated email notification is now sent to ALL administrators that have access to the SFIA Credentials and Reports page.

  • When an administrator is assigned as the Assessor another email notification will be sent ONLY to the assigned Assessor.

  • Both Emails include the link to the SkillsTX instance (Workspace) involved.

  • These email templates for these are NOT available for editing.


  • This was raised as an issue

  • Previously notifications to Team Leaders and Line Managers when there has been an approval request, were not always been sent to the correct manager.

  • This has been resolved, and the approval Request button now not available if no one assigned for approvals.

  • This was raised as an issue

  • Previously when a person used the sign-up registration form, they were not being correctly classified as Candidates.

  • This has been resolved.

  • This was raised as an issue

  • Previously skill Attributes with Is Hidden set to Yes, were still able to be selected from Users Planner.

  • This has been resolved.

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