13.1 Export and Import LoR Attributes

13.1 Export and Import LoR Attributes

Export and Import Skill Attributes

A convenient method of uploading, maintaining and managing Attributes is to make use of the Export and Import functionality.



Export Attributes

In most cases Attributes are initially added manually in-situ. These can then be Exported to an Excel Workbook, and used as a basis for adding additional Attributes and changing current ones in readiness for Importing.

The following are the steps to Export Skill Attributes

  1. Select the Export Attributes button

    1. This will Download an Excel workbook to a folder based on your browser settings e.g.

  2. You can use this file to make necessary updates in perpetration for Importing

Import Attributes

The following are the steps to Import a previously populated/changed Upload file:

  1. Select the Import Attributes button

  2. If you do NOT have a previously Exported file as your basis for your Upload file you can Download a Bulk Template file by selecting the Download Bulk Template button

    1. This will download an Excel workbook to a folder based on your browser settings e.g.

    2. Populate this file with the Skill Attributes you require according to the Template format

  3. Select the Select Files button to begin the Upload and follow the dialogue to select and Open your Upload file

    1. The files to Upload block will show the files you have selected & opened

  4. Select the Perform Upload button to process the file

    1. You will get a brief prompt Top Right of the window indicating the outcomes

  5. If successful the Attributes will have been replaced by the Attributes as, per the Upload file



On this page:

Upload Template Format:


  • The Template includes an example at Row 2 (Replace with your own)

  • Each Row is used to provide a single Attribute e.g.


Usage and Description


Must be a valid SFIA Lor Code


The name of the attribute

Link (Include http or https)

A valid URL link.

When the Attributes are shown in a persons Planner they can select the link when selecting and also once selected, and it will open the link in a new browser window.


  • A link to information about the Attribute so employees can use it to decide if they have the attribute or not

  • A link to an example accreditation Badge or something similar


  • False - The LoR will be able to be selected

  • True - The LoR will NOT be able to be selected


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