10. Create Endorsed from Approved

10. Create Endorsed from Approved

Create Endorsed from Approved

This is a special case option for clients who make use of the Endorsement processes for creating Endorsed User Profiles, and wish to allow latest User Profiles with an Approved status (only) to be copied to create an Endorsed version of their profile.

To access this option the person must be set up as an Admin with access to the Create Endorsed from Approved set of options.

Note: Only Approved profiles are able to be copied, and the Last Approved By person will be set as the Endorser.

The process copies the latest Approved version of their Profile, as reflected in the Last Approved Version column. However, note that it may NOT necessarily be the actual latest version of their Profile, if they have edited and made changes to their Self-assessed profile, but not yet asked for it to be approved.

To copy Profiles:

  1. Select Copy Profiles button

  2. Select the people you wish to have profiles copied.

    • (Note: More than 1 person can be selected at a time or you can select all showing on the page).

  3. Select OK button to carry out the copying

  4. A pop-up message will show the request has been invoked.

  5. And the Copy Profile Status column will reflect the outcomes as hey change:

    1. The status will change as the request is processed:

      • Requested

      • Processed

      • Success/Failure


  7. The User will then have a new version of an Endorsed Profile that is the same as their approved self-assessed Profile, and their Planner Profile page will reflect that status:

    1. Note: The Endorser will be the same as the Approver.


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0.1 How to work with Admin Page tables and Search/Filtering


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