12. Manage Skills and Attributes

12. Manage Skills and Attributes

Manage Skills and Attributes

This page provides the functionality for:

  1. Managing Skill Attributes

  2. Managing the visibility of the SFIA Professional Skills. (as well as Skills associated with an Additional Framework if one has been added).

Manage Skills Attributes

Skill attributes are Attributes specific to your organization that lie outside the scope of the detailed SFIA Skill descriptions, and that you wish to have associated with specific Skills. As an example you may wish to have specific programming languages associated with the PROG skill. While SFIA describes what is required of that skill, it does not prescribe any programming languages, which would depend on organizational requirements. Attributes provide the ability to tailor aspects such as the technology skill requirements for your organization. These can then be included in Job definitions and people can select them in their skill profiles. Attributes can also from part of the skill gap determination.

Attributes such as:

  • Specific technologies (Program languages (e.g. C++, Java), Operating Systems (e.g. Windows, Unix, Linux) etc)

  • Products (e.g. ServiceNow, VMWare etc)

  • Processes (e.g. ITIL, Prince 2, ISO27001 etc)

  • Legislation (Tax, Immigration etc)

  • Specific Certifications

  • etc.

These can be added, updated or deleted in-situ or you can use the Export and Import functionality.



Changing an attribute in-situ

  1. Select the edit button of the SFIA skill you wish to update attributes to

    1. e.g.

  2. Select the Edit button for the specific Attribute you wish to change

    1. e.g.

  3. You can make changes to:

    1. Attribute (name)

    2. link if one is required - This is a hyperlink that will overlay the Attribute once selected in a persons Planner.

    3. isHidden options:

      • No - (Default) - The Attribute will be selectable via individuals Planners

      • Yes - The Attribute will NOT be selectable via individuals Planners (Useful for making Attributes available when required, or when being discontinued to prevent being selected. (Attributes can only be deleted when no longer selected by anyone)

  4. Use the Save button to save the changes for that attribute

    1. or Cancel to abandon the changes you have made

  5. Use the Back button to return to the list of Skills/Attributes

Adding a new attribute

  1. Select the edit button of the SFIA skill you wish to update attributes to

    1. e.g.

  2. Select the +Add New button for the specific Attribute you wish to change

  3. Populate the fields as required:

    1. Attribute (name) - Required

    2. link - (Optional) - This is a selectable hyperlink that will overlay the Attribute once selected in a persons Planner.

    3. The isHidden options:

      • No - (Default) - The link will be selectable via individuals Planners

      • Yes - The link will NOT be selectable via individuals Planners (Useful for making Attributes available when required, or when being discontinued to prevent being selected. (Attributes can only be removed when no longer selected by anyone)

  4. Use the Save button to save the changes for that attribute

    1. or Cancel to abandon the Add

  5. Use the Back button to return to the list of Skills/Attributes



On this page:

Delete an Attribute

  1. Select the edit button of the SFIA skill you wish to update attributes to

    1. e.g.

  2. Attributes that are able to be deleted (i.e. no one has selected it for their Skill Profile via their Planner) will show a Delete icon alongside the Edit icon

  3. Select the Delete icon to delete the Attribute and the Attribute will be removed from the list


Managing Professional Skills Visibility

This functionality provides the ability to “Hide” selected Professional Skills from being:

  1. Included in the SFIA Category surveys.

  2. From being selected for Requirements (Jobs/Roles).

  3. Selected by individuals for their Skill Profiles.

  • This functionality should be used with caution, and with properly considered intent. i.e. There should be good reasons why you have chosen to Hide SFIA skills, as it will mean the full SFIA Framework will no longer be visible to individuals or included in Requirements (Jobs/Roles).

  • The Export Skills Hidden, can be used to produce an Export file that includes information regarding whether or not the Skills have already been selected in either Individuals Profiles or Requirements. This may assist in deciding whether or not to Hide a skill.

This functionality works in conjunction with the Admin Setting Allow Show Hidden Skills.

  • If this has been set = No, then the skills remain hidden for selection when editing Skill Profiles and Requirements.

  • If this has been set = Yes, then their visibility can be toggled On/Off using the Show/Hide Hidden Skills buttons by individuals and people managing (editing) Requirements. However the Show/Hide is only for reference purposes. While it can be selected, the skill will in effect still remain hidden from surveys etc.

Hiding Skills

Slide the individual Skill is Shown toggle for each skill you wish to hide to the Right (Red)


Unhide a hidden Skill

Slide the individual Skill is Shown toggle for each skill you wish to return to being visible to the Left (Green)


If you wish to delete an Attribute, but it is still currently included in one or more persons Profile, then we recommend setting IsHidden = Yes, while you communicate with employees and request that they un-assign the Attribute from their skill profiles. Once everyone has unassigned the Attribute, it will become available for deletion.

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