3.3 Editing you Profile
Editing Your Profile
Select the Edit Profile button
Your Profile will open in Detail mode, with an edit Icon showing for each Generic Attribute or Professional Skill
To change Generic Attributes select the Edit icon for each one you wish to change in turn
Select the level to the one you wish to change it to
Press the Save Changes button to save the changed Attribute
Repeat steps 3-5 for each Attribute you wish to change
To change Engineering Skills select the edit icon for each one you wish to change in turn
For each level of that skill you wish to include, select the appropriate skill competency for that level. e.g. None/Knowledge/Proficient/Competent
Press Save Changes button to save all the changes for the changed skill
Repeat steps 7-9 for each skill you wish to change
Above your Profile will be a message indicating how many Attributes/Skills have been changed & the Save button will become active
Press the Save button to save all the changes and create a new version of your profile
Your new profile version will be reflected in the Version selection e.g.