3. Track participant progress

Track participant progress

You can keep track of the progress assessments participants are making after sending them their assessment invitations using the Track participant progress task

Column visibility and Search/Filtering

Explained here: (Suggestion: User Right Click to select Open in a New tab or Window)

0.1 How to work with Admin Page tables and Search/Filtering


You are able to Export the current participant progress situation to an Excel Workbook. This can be useful especially for employees who are possibly being uncooperative when completing their surveys, especially if you are required to meet organizational requirements and timelines such as a SFIA implementation project.

While the system provides the functionality to automatically send multiple survey invitation reminders:

  • From our experience, too many reminder emails tend to start being considered as Spam, and people ignore them or even become irritated by the emails which can then actually become counter productive.

  • Rather than too many and frequent emails, completion rate outcomes can be improved by utilizing the Exported Track Participant report for the details, and then follow up with people directly using alternative communication channels rather than the SkillsTX system

  1. Use the Export button

    1. An Excel workbook will be downloaded to a a folder based on your browser settings

    2. Save/Rename the file as required

  2. Included with progress information and survey invitation date/time stamps will be the all the Persons information fields. This provides the ability to distribute information to suitable managers based on the various fields such a Country/Teams etc

  3. The file can then be manipulated (sorted etc), as required

  4. The information can then be used to encourage people to complete their surveys

Some of the column headings in the Export file may not be identical to the column heading in the Page table.

e.g. Role Based Survey, will be headed as Role


On this page:



Email Address

Participant email address


Participant First name


Participant Last name (Surname)


Participant Preferred name


Progress based on: Max number of questions / Number answered Questions

Note: Questions will be skipped during the assessment process based on your answers, therefore you would not normally need to answer the number of questions shown in Max number of questions


Progress shown as a percentage ( % )

Time taken (mins)

Time taken to answer the questions

Export and Import Person Profiles

You are able to Export the complete set of data held about 1 or more individuals in to .json file type, which would then be suitable for Importing into another SkillsTX instance, providing the mobility ability of individuals between different instances of SkillsTX. This would for example be a suitable solution for people moving between government departments, where each department has their own instance of SkillsTX.

In addition the individuals themselves may have been provided the ability to export their own data set from their Planner (MyProfile) page. If that person is joining your organization, they can then provide their exported .json file to import directly into your system, without the need for them having to be setup and go through a self-assessment process etc.

The Export files includes everything:

  • All Person Info (including their Email address, which is considered the Key field)

  • Self-Assessed Profile

  • Assigned Current/Future Jobs

  • Endorsed Profile

  • Messages re Approvals and Endorsements

  • Action Plans

  • Evidence including files attached

However, there is a good chance that certain fields, lists, Requirement (jobs), associated with the individuals in the system they were Exported from, will not be the same as the ones they are being Imported to. Please check Import Expectations Management below for further advice.

Export Person Profiles

  1. Use the Export Person Profiles button and select the person/people you wish to Export

  2. Once selected use the Process button to process the Export

  3. Follow standard download processes to manage the Exported file.

Import Person Profiles

Importing individuals directly into the system requires a certain amount of preparation to ensure a successful Import of one or more individuals as follows:

  • In most circumstances, the individuals will more than likely need to be imported with a new Email Address, which is the key field for the person data, especially if they are from a different organization.

    • Therefore the original exported .json file, that is to be imported, will need to be edited to replace their original Email Addresses with the ones they need in the new SkillTX instance. And possibly other person info such as their Name if needed.

    • To edit the .json file, open it in something suitable such as Notepad.

    • The top set of fields for each person (including the Email address field), will look similar to the following:

    • Change as needed, retaining the correct formatting, and bearing in mind that an Exported file could contain the data for more than 1 individual, so you will to search the data file for all the info for each individual, and change as required.

  • The individuals to be Imported must NOT have already been set up in the SkillsTX system. (Keeping in mind the Email address is the Key filed for individuals).

    • If they have already been set up, then we suggest you make them Inactive and delete them before Importing.

    • Note: If the Email addresses being imported already exist in the system the import will fail for that reason. e.g.

Once ready to Import:

  1. Use the Import Person Profiles button

  2. Follow the standard select file dialogue to select a file

  3. Use Process Upload to carry out the Import

    1. Note: Depending on the number of individuals being imported this could take while.

  4. A successful Import will have a success message:


Import Expectations Management

The following are possible data issues that may need to be resolved after an individual has been imported. You may find others that are not mentioned here. This is because very seldom are 2 instances of SkillsTX set up exactly the same.

  • If you have set up your own Person Miscellaneous fields they will not be populated.

  • Jobs (Current/Future) will only be assigned if they have exactly the same naming and references as the originating system. (which is highly unlikely).

    • It is expected that these would then be assigned as required after the Import.

  • And List changes such as Action Types etc will be imported and shown on Actions, but they may NOT be correct based on your own Action lists, so may need changing.

  • Action Plans will still contain their Actions if they have any, however the gap analysis section will possibly be empty if no jobs have been allocated.

  • Approval and Endorsement messages may contain null values where previously a person was listed.


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