5. Approve SelfAssessed
Approve SelfAssessed
This is special functionality that allows someone with the appropriate Admin privileges to Approve the SelfAssessed Profiles for multiple people simultaneously (Bulk Approvals). It also caters for Approval Postponements at an individuals level, as well as individual Approvals.
The Admin permissions will need to be added via Update Access Permissions as required.
This functionality would generally be reserved for organizations that carry out reviews of employee profiles on a Annual, Bi-Annual, Quarterly etc basis, and then wish the profiles of multiple people to be Approved simultaneously.
An overview of the Approval Process can be seen here: 5.1 Approval Process Overview
Only people that have updated their skill profile in some way (e.g. After their self-assessment Draft version (v1)), will be available for Approval.
Standard Search and filtering options are available, including Clear & Refresh.
Use Search if you wish to filter the list so that the Select All only selects the people showing in the list, and does not select from the entire list.
You are able to use the Export Button to generate and Export the contents of the table to an Excel file as a report.
Bulk Approvals
You can choose to review each of the individuals Profiles, Evidence, Action Plan and Skill Changes and carry out the Postponement process before carrying out Bulk Approvals if necessary. (Refer: 5. Approve SelfAssessed | Individual Approvals and Postponements )
Select the Approve Profiles button
Select the People you wish to approve.
Using the Select (all) in the Header will select all the selections. To filter these to only for example select a status of Requested, use “Requested” in the Search field.
The individual column filters can be used, but you will need to then select individually.
At least 1 person must be selected for the OK button to become active.
Select the OK button
You will get a Comment pop-up.
Including a Comment is optional, you can leave blank if preferredAdd a comment
To confirm your approvals, use the Approve button
Or use Close to abandon the approvals.
You should receive a brief confirmation pop-up in the Top RHS
On this page:
Individual Approvals and Postponements
You can review each of the individuals Profiles, Evidence and Skill Changes and carry out the Postponement process as well as carry out individual Approval process.
Review the individuals information
Click on the individuals Name/Email in the table to open their Planner information. You will then have access to their:
Skill Profile
Action Plan
Skill Changes Analytics. (This is a special page explicitly for Admin Approvals)
After reviewing the Individuals information you can choose to either:
Approve immediately or defer Approvals to do via a Bulk Approval
Postpone the Approval and request either a Skill Revision or Extra Evidence.
If you have found a deficiency and require the person either Revise their Skill selections or Add additional Evidence then:
Use the Postpone with Reason button on their Skill Profile page.
You will then need to Add a comment to the pop-up Comment and Select the appropriate Reason
A Email notification will be sent to the individual informing them of the Postponement and the Reason & your Comment.
The Postponed by and date field will be populated in the table for that individual.
The Postponement process can be repeated until such time as you are satisfied with the individuals Profile etc.
Individual Approvals
Once you are satisfied with an individuals Profile etc, and wish to approve them individually, (as opposed to via a Bulk Approval), then:
Click on the Individual name/Email as before
From their Profile page select the Approve button
You will then need to add a (compulsory) comment to the pop-up Comment:
Click Approve. (Will only become active when a comment is provided).
The Individual will be notified of the Approval via an Email, including the comment.
The Last approved by and date field will be populated in the table for that individual.
The Postponed by and date field in the table will be cleared if it had been populated.
Table Information
Field Name | Usage Description |
Select | Display selection boxes when Approve Profile clicked. used to select the people for Approval. Using the Select (all) in the column heading will select everyone on the list with a selection option available. Use Search rather than the individual column filters if you wish to filter & limit the list in order to use the Select (All) option. Only people without an already Approved latest Profile will be eligible for selection. |
Person Name (email) | Person's name & email address |
Last Updated by and date | Shows:
Last Approved by and date | Shows:
SelfAssessed Status | The status of the persons current (latest) Profile. Can be used to select only people with (for example) a status of Requested. Could be either:
Number of Skill Changes | Provides an indication of how many skills the person has updated in their Profile since their previous Approval. |
Postponed by and date | Shows:
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