7.2 Export & Import Requirement

7.2 Export & Import Requirement

Export & Import Requirements

Used to make bulk Adds and Changes and to the Requirements.



  1. Use the Export button (e.g.)

  2. Will download an Excel Worksheet to a folder as per your browser setup

  3. The excel worksheet can then be edited with the necessary changes

Imports use the Requirement Unique Reference as the key for Imports


  1. Use the Import button (e.g.)

    If you are NOT using a previously Exported Excel spreadsheet then you will need to first download a Bulk Template using the Download Bulk Template button

    1. Use it to prepare an Import file

  2. Choose the type of Upload option:

    1. Insert & Update (Default) - Will Insert any Requirement with a new Unique Reference and update any existing Requirements based on the Unique References in the Import file.

    2. Insert Only - Will Insert any Requirement with a new Unique Reference only

    3. Update Only - Will update any Requirement with existing Unique References only

  3. Select the (prepared) Files you wish to import


  4. Select the Perform to Upload button

  5. Refresh the Import Queue to view the current status of the Import

  6. Track the Import status by Refreshing both the Requirements table as well as the Requirements Import Queue at intervals

  7. Once the Import has completed Refresh the Requirement List to show the updated Requirements and Meta Data, and if needed use the Search to filter what you wish to view.

During the Import the process calculates matching % for all users. Therefore, imports can take a while. It is dependent on the number of users, so especially for work-spaces with 100+ users, expect it to take a while.

Note: The Owner field is ignored during an Import. Refer: 7.2 Export & Import Requirement | Format of the Import File/Template

Format of the Import File/Template

(* - Indicates a Compulsory field). Many of the fields are optional, and free format text, so able to be used as preferred by the organization. Some fields are Select-able, and have specific values that can be selected.

Some fields which are “Select-able”, have specific values that can be selected. Two of these values:

  • Other (Please Comment)

  • Not Applicable

Are legacy values based on a previous (no longer used) ability to make use of surveys to generate Requirements, and are provided for compatibility reasons. For new Requirements they can be ignored, and the field rather left blank.

Column Name



Column Name




Name of the Requirement

Must be unique

Seniority* (Select-able)

  • Select Seniority

  • Senior or Executive Manager

  • Senior Advisor

  • Line Manager

  • Team Leader

  • Senior Employee

  • Experienced Employee

  • Junior Employee

  • None of the Above (Please Comment)

  • Not Applicable

The seniority of the Role that this Requirement applies to

Employment Status* (Select-able)

  • Permanent Full-time

  • Permanent Part-time

  • 1-2 Year Contract

  • 2-5 year Contract

  • Consultant/Contractor

  • Casual

  • Other (Please Comment)

  • Not Applicable

The employment status of the Role that this Requirement applies to

Unique Reference*

Reference Number

Must be unique

Customer reference

For use as required

Non-unique. e.g. HR Reference


Name of a role (or person)

Usually refers to a role that the role for this Requirement would report to. Could be the name of a person, but this would require extra maintenance for changes


Name of a department

Name of a department or business area to which this Requirement could be assigned


Location name

Name of a location. Often business office, or city name is used


Purpose of the Requirement

An overview purpose for this Requirement. Equivalent of a Job/Role purpose overview

Key Accountabilities

List of accountabilities

List of accountabilities this requirement is required to fulfill

Key Processes

List of Processes

List of processes this requirement is involved in

Education Requirements

Education Requirements

e.g. Bachelor Computer Science

Qualification Requirements

Qualification Requirements

e.g. Prince 2 Certification

Other Requirements

Other Requirements

Other requirements specific to the role

Who Can See* (Select-able)

  • Nobody

  • Employees Only

  • Candidates and Employees

Who is able to be assigned the Requirement or select for themselves

Inactive* (Select-able)

  • Inactive

  • Active

Setting a Requirement to Inactive is designed for the development stage of a Requirement. When a Requirement is set to Inactive:

  • The Who Can See is ONLY able to be set = Nobody

  • The Requirement will NOT appear in any selection lists or appear in Analytics

LoR Addressed or Blank

  • Blank or

  • list of 1 or more Generic Attribute codes (See Description)

Must be in the format of AUTOn, INFLn, COMPn,KLGEn, BSKLn (separated by commas) where “n” is the valid Attribute level (between 1-7)

Required Skills Addressed or Blank

  • Blank or

  • List of 1 or more SFIA skill codes (See Description)

Required Skills for the Requirement

Must be valid Skill Codes and Levels separated by commas. E.g. PRMG4, USUP3

Desirable Skills Addressed or Blank

  • Blank or

  • List of 1 or more SFIA skill codes (See Description)

Desirable Skills for the Requirement (Cannot be a duplicates of Required skills/Levels as per above)

Must be valid Skill Codes and Levels separated by commas. E.g. QUMG4,QUAS3



One of the Languages available:

  • (Arabic) العربية

  • Deutsch (German)

  • Español (Spanish)

  • 日本語 (Japanese)

  • 中国 (Chinese)

  • Français (French)

  • Italiano (Italian)

  • Polskie (Polish)

  • Русский (Russian)

  • bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)

  • ไทย (Thai)

  • US (English)

  • English

  • Português (Portuguese)

When the Default language is set, then the Requirement Report will be translated into the Default Language selected.

If Blank then it will report in English.


The name of the owner if someone has been selected.

The person selected as the owner of the Requirement.

Include in Self Registration Role Based Survey

  • No

  • Yes

Set - Yes, if this Role is to be included in a selection specifically for Self-Registration. Used in conjunction with Self-Registration feature. Refer: 18. Manage Features/Settings | Self Registration feature





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