Administrator Console Access


You are unable to Access or login to the SkillsTX Administrator Console


  1. In order to access the SkillsTX Administrator Console:

    • You or your organization must have a been set up with a SkillsTX tenancy.

    • You will need to be authorized for Administrator Console Access by your organization, and provided access to the Admin Pages and Functions necessary

    • You must have carried out your initial password reset in order to set up your personal credentials

    • You must login using the exact same email address and Credentials established originally. Admin access will b e provided via an Admin Tab for your Planner Login.

    • You can access the Console Login from your usual Login page.

  2. Some checks to do before raising an Incident if not able to get Administrator Console Access

    • You must have been provided with Administrator access (as described above)

    • Check that you are able to connect to the internet via your network

    • You are using the correct email address. (e.g. aliases will not work).

    • Use the Reset Password link on the Login screen to send yourself a Password Reset Email.

      • If you do not receive the password reset email then either:

        • You have not yet been provided with Access to the SkillsTX instance (i.e check the Login URL is correct for your Organization) you are trying to access

        • Your access has been revoked for some reason

        • There is a genuine issue and you should raise the relevant Incident which describes your situation

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