1.2 Export (Users)


In order to manage your Person (User) information easier, or make bulk changes you can export the list of Users to an Excel spreadsheet. This file can then be edited to make selective changes (including adding additional Users), and then used for Importing to deploy the required changes.

This can be useful if for example you have decided to make use of some of the Person fields that you had previously not made use of such as Location, but now wish to use for filtering the analytics.

  1. Select the Export button from the Manage Users menu

  2. Depending on your browser setting the exported file will be downloaded e.g.

  3. You should now save the file as required in a suitable folder and if needed change the name. e.g.

  4. Each row related to a User, and the Email address is used as the Key field. The columns relate to the fields as discussed and detailed in Manage Users.

  5. You can make the required changes to the file in readiness for Importing

Notes: (in readiness for importing)

  • Email addresses cannot be changed in the file for Importing, as it is used as the key field. (To change an email address you will need to do it via a manual edit on a person by person basis).

  • You may wish to delete any rows for people that do NOT require changing before importing. It will reduce the importing overheads and time

  • Fields left empty (blank) will be ignored when imported and the original will field data will be retained

  • You can add new people as part of an Import

On this page:

Full list of Person fields

See the full List of fields available here:


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