18. Manage Features/Settings

18. Manage Features/Settings

Manage Features/Settings

Used to manage the various Features and settings that allow a Workspace to be tailored to suit organizational requirements.

  • The Save button at the end of the Page is used to save any changes made

  • The Reset button at the end of the page is used to abandon any changes and reset any setting changes made

Note: This image may not exactly reflect the latest or your own situation

Licensing Information

Licensing information is provided to help keep track of license usage e.g.

Analytics Sync Information

Information regarding when the Analytics data was last sync’d with the system data:

SFIA9 Impact Assessment

  • Visible on SFIA8 systems only

  • For access to this feature the relevant Administrators must have Download Impact Assessment Spreadsheets selected in their Administrator Person Page Assignments (via Update Access Permissions).

Use this button to download an Excel Workbook with an impact assessment the migration from SAFIA8 to SFIA9 will have on the SFIA Professional skills of all individuals and all Requirements (Jobs/Roles) in your system.

Depending on the number of Users you have in your system:

  1. (<101 Users): The button will remain greyed out while it is processing and automatically download the Workbook report to your default download folder, and then become active again.

    • The workbook report name will be date and time stamped similar to the following: Sfia9MigrationImpactReport for SkillsXXXXX at 20241107_073504

  2. (>100 Users): A Pop-up similar to the following will need to be acknowledged:

    • Use OK to proceed and Cancel to abandon the report generation.

    • The button will return to an active state, and a background process will start producing the report.

    • Once the background process has completed you will receive a SkillsTX Notification Email (to the email address of the person who initiated the report) including the text:

    • Please use link below to download your requested SFIA9 Migration Impact Assessment spreadsheets.

    • If not still Logged in, you will need to log back into your system system

    • Use the Download link in the Email.

    • It will open a new system window, and download the report to your standard Downloads folder with a date & time stamped report.

      • Example: Sfia9MigrationImpactReport 20241107_072135

The time taken to produce the report will vary based on the number of Users and the number of Requirements (Jobs/Roles) in your system. You may need to be patient.

Profile Approvals feature

The feature provides the functionality for Line Mangers, Team Leaders and Mentors to carry out approvals of the Self-assessed Skill Profiles of the employees assigned to them via the Manage Relationships configuration using their Planner My People Menu option, where they have the ability to review employees skill profiles and development action plans and carry out approvals.

  • Employees can be granted the option to request approvals and see approval progress

  • Line Managers and Team Leaders will be notified (Emailed) of approval requests and able to track approval status and progress, and carry out approvals via their My People Planner tab.

Steps for setting Approvals

Setting who is able to approve peoples Skill Profiles is a 2 stage setting.

  1. Stage 1: Set who is able to carry out the approvals and be notified when an approvals has been requested:

    1. Selection options are:

      • Nobody - Approvals are not made available

      • Managers Only - Only Line Managers are able to carry out approvals of the people assigned to them

      • Managers and Team Leaders - Both Line Managers AND team Leaders can carry our approvals

      • Mentors Only

      • Managers and Mentors

      • Managers, Team Leaders and Mentors

  2. Stage 2: Set the ability for People to Request approvals via their Planner:

    1. Selection Options are:

      • Yes - People are provided with the option to request approvals via their Planner

      • No - Requests for approvals is not available

  3. Use the Save button at the end of the page to save the new settings

Requirements assignment feature

This feature provides the option for deciding which of the Requirement Types (i.e. Current/Future) Employees (and Candidates) are able to assign Requirements against for themselves from their Planner.

Steps to assign Current/Future Requirements:

  1. Set the What type of Requirements can users assign themselves as required e.g.:

    1. The Options being:

      • None - Employees are unable to select either Current or Future for themselves

      • Future Only - Employees can only select their Future Requirement

      • Current Only - Employees can only select their Current Requirement

      • Both Current and Future - Employees can select both their Current and Future Requirements

  2. Use the Save button at the end of the page to save the new setting

User Self Forget (GDPR) Feature

This feature provides the option to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Select the Can Users opt to be forgotten option:

  • No (Default) - Users cannot delete themselves from the system

  • Yes - Users will be given the option to delete themselves from the system (via their Planner interface)

When this feature has been activated, the following will appear in a persons Account & Settings page when they are logged into their account (Planner):

From here they can use the Forget Me button to delete themselves from the system

Allow Users to export all their data

This allows individuals to export all their data into a .json file, suitable for importing into another SkillsTX instance.

  • No - Prevents the ability for users to export their data

  • Yes - Will invoke an Export Profile button on all Users SFIA Skills Profile & Gaps page, giving them the ability to Export all their data into a .json file.

Self Registration feature

The Self Registration feature provides the functionality to:

  1. Make it simple for organizations to make use of the SkillsTX SFIA Self-Assessment process to short list people external to the organization (Usually potential Job candidates) by providing them with automated Self Registration and SFIA Self-Assessment invitation/completion. Candidates can then be initially shortlisted for consideration based on the outcomes of their self-assessment, usually prior to them being possibly interviewed and assessed based on other organizational requirements.

  2. Allow Employees to Register themselves in the system, and automatically be assigned for a survey and sent the survey invitation Email.

    • This can help eliminate some of the Administration overheads of on-boarding employees in the system.

    • The Role Based Survey functionality can be applied to Self-Registration by choosing to provide a role based selection drop-down, and by assigning specific roles for selection.

Possible benefits of using this feature for potential Job candidates:

  • No need for Administration intervention after making the feature available until a suitable candidate has been chosen

  • Eliminate the need for 3rd party employment agencies, and therefore overall efficiency, time & cost savings

  • Having accurate job skill requirements defined using SFIA, allows the gaps between the job and the potential candidate profile to be accurately and instantly identified and assessed. This reduces time wastage on having to read, “translate” and assimilate Curriculum Vitae (CV) style formats

  • Can work in conjunction with 3rd party employment agencies to more accurately define skill requirements and reduce the number of people shortlisted and forwarded by the agency, and therefore efficiency, time & cost savings

  • Generally reduce the number of people shortlisted and number of people interviewed, and therefore efficiency & time savings

This Feature is able to be toggled On/Off and adapted to suit requirements.

When Shows self-assessment registration page? is set = Yes the login Menu will look similar to the following:

When Shows self-assessment registration page? is set = No the login Menu will look similar to the following:

Providing the option for Candidates or Employees to provide their contact and other relevant information and automatically register themselves in the system and be automatically assigned and invited to complete a Self-Assessment.

The information provided with the Sign-Up form is able to be tailored (edited) to suit the requirements.

  • e.g. If being used to allow Job Candidates to register their interest for a Job and kick-off the process with a self-assessment.

Steps to enable Self-Assessment Registration:

  1. Toggle the Self Registration Page on by selecting Yes to Shows self-assessment registration page?:

    Note: This action will reveal the Self Registration Wording panels as shown below:

  2. If have chosen to make use of the Role Based Survey function for Self Registration then you will need to set Show role based survey selection in registration page? = Yes

    • Note: You will need to have ensured that the Roles (Requirements) you wish them to be able to select have been set for inclusion. i.e. They have Include in Self Registration Role Based Survey = Yes. (This is set via Manage Requirements)

  3. Use the editor to change to the wording associated with the Self Registration form as well as the Self Registration Confirmation form. e.g.:

    1. You are able toggle between Standard editor and HTML format using the Show Editor | Show Html toggle

  4. Select the Registrant will be marked as field. Either:

    1. Candidate - This is the default used generally for job applicants.

    2. Employee - Used if you choose to allow employees to register themselves, be assigned for surveys and sent an invite automatically, rather than have the administrators carry out those functions.

  5. Select the Restrict registrant email domain field. This allows you to restrict the email domains people are able to register themselves with. (They will get an error warning if an invalid domain is provided). Especially useful when this functionality is being used to allow Employees to register themselves. Either:

    1. Yes - Email domains will be restricted, and the Manage Allowed Email Domains selection will become visible.

    2. No - Any Email domain will be accepted

  6. If Emails domains are restricted, then use the Click for Edit Page for Manage Allowed Email Domains:

    1. Use the controls in the pop-up ( as shown above) to Add to or Remove from your list of allowed domains

    2. Close the pop-up with the x once satisfied with your list

  7. You are also able to manage the list of reasons for sign-up presented to the registrant. Use use the Click for Edit Page for the Manage Registration Reasons:

    1. Use the + Add New to add new Reasons

    2. Use the Action controls to Edit or Delete items from the Registrations Reasons list

    3. Use the Role Selection Mandatory column switches to toggle On/Off the ability to make it mandatory for specific Reasons to require a Role Selection in order to proceed with registration.

      • Green - On (Mandatory to select a role)

      • Red - Off

    4. Use the Up/Down arrow controls to manage the order that the reasons are presented in.

    5. Close the pop-up with the x once satisfied with your list

  8. Use the Save button at the end of the page to save the new settings

  • When a person selects the URL for Login they will have the option to use the Sign-Up Form e.g.:

    • The information on the left Hand Side of the form reflects the edited information in step 2

    • The following is an example of the Confirmation message received after sign-up:

Steps to disable Self Registration:

  1. Toggle the Self Registration Page off by selecting No to Shows self-assessment registration page?:

    • Note: This action will hide the Self Registration Wording panels

  2. Use the Save button at the end of the page to save the new setting

    1. The Login Menu will no longer have the Sign-Up option showing

Activity Statement settings

Activity statements showing the activity of the people assigned for Line Managers , Team Leaders & Mentors are automatically generated by the system and emailed to them.

This provides the ability for providing a default setting for how frequently the automated statements should be generated:

Select the appropriate value in days:

  • 14

  • 30 (Default)

  • 60

  • 90

  • 365

Step Panel Colour settings

You are able to change the colour scheme of the 3-Step Panels that are displayed on Users Skills Profile and Action Plan Planner pages.

  1. To change the Panel background colour select the Panel colour block: e.g.

  2. To change the Font colour select the Font colour block: e.g.

  3. Change the colours by either using the Colour sliders, or by typing in the colour you require in HEX format. e.g. #6A2875

  4. Ensure to Press the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes and make them permanent

Assessment Reminders

There are 2 settings to manage the number and frequency of automated Self-Assessment Reminder emails required to be sent. The emails are sent based on the 2 settings until such time as the person has completed their assessment 100%:

Number of assessment reminders Options:

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

Reminder frequency in days options:

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

URL to Tutorial

The Assessment invitation/Reminder Email templates may include a link to Tutorial for people to view in preparation for their Self Assessments, specifically for the initial survey to determine their experience..

  • The HTML in the email that would refer to this is : <a href="$TutorialLink$" target="_self">here</a>

The link $TutorialLink$ is substituted by whatever is provided here:

Should you choose to, you are able to provide your own localized link rather then use the links provided by SkillsTX by:

  1. Ensuring the Email Templates include the required HTML as per above

  2. Setting URL to Tutorial to a valid link

Company Name and Department Name

These are the name of your organization or Company and the Department that is associated with the SkillsTX workspace. Set initially as part of the setup of your workspace container.

These, for example, appear as a header on specific reports such as the Requirements Profile Report in the format:

Company Name (Department Name)

These can both be adapted as required if needed by changing the settings for them. Example:

Assessment Description

This is intended as a brief description of SkillsTX Workspace that has been set up for your organization. We recommend it should be a description that describes its usage and that the employees have had some prior communication about and can therefore recognize. It is referenced in the Self Assessment survey windows to ensure employees can relate to it.


Assessment Completion Target Date

In order to provide a sense of urgency and help ensure surveys are completed in a timely manner, a Target date is set based on a number of days following the sending of a persons initial self assessment survey invitation. The date is displayed on the self Assessment survey window

Set the number of days as required:


In the example above the Initial Survey Invitation email would have been sent on: 7th July 2022

On this page:

Download Power BI Model Feature

This feature allows a Power BI model (.pbix) file with the full organizational Analytics to be downloaded. This model can then be used as is (There are a set of standard Analytics pages provided), or manipulated as required, and published as required to provide access to people who your organization wishes to provide access to.

To Download the .pbix file:

  1. Click the Click to download link

    1. The file will be downloaded via your browser to a location as specified in your browser settings. (e.g. Downloads folder)

  2. This file is now available for use as required.

Manage Report formats

You can choose in which formats the 2 personal reports are to be produced and delivered.

Those being the:

  • Self Assessed Profile Report -Derived from SfiaProfile Planner page

  • Requirement Profile Report - Derived from the Action Plan Planner page

The options are to select:

  • DOCX - Word based document

  • PDF - pdf based document

Manage System Generated (Periodic) Notifications

There are a set of periodic Email Notifications that are automatically generated and sent by the system to inform Users of evidence expiry, low Planner activity or Missed Action Target dates:

  • Evidence Expiry - Evidence with an Expiry Date set, that has expired. Notification will be sent to an individual every 60 days if any evidence has expired

  • Low Planner Activity - If an individual has not activated their Planner during the last 60 days, a Notification will be sent to remind them on a 60 day cycle

  • Actions that have missed their Target Dates - A Notification will be sent to an individual every 30 days if they have any Actions in their Action Plan that have missed Target Dates

From Admin you have the ability to suppress all the periodic system generated notifications, and/or allow Individuals to suppress notifications for themselves.

Suppress All Notifications:

  • No - All Notifications will NOT be suppressed (Default)

  • Yes - All Notifications WILL be suppressed (Note: This overrides the individual suppress notifications settings)

Allow Individuals to suppress Notifications for themselves:

  • No - Users will NOT have the ability to suppress their own notifications via their Settings

  • Yes - Users WILL have the ability to suppress their own notifications via their Settings

Allow Users to request skill certification (fees apply)

  • No (Default) - Users will NOT have the ability to request skill certifications and have badges issued through the SFIA assessment process

  • Yes - Users will have the ability to request skill certifications and have badges issued through the SFIA assessment process

Make Dormant Users Inactive automatically

You can use this feature to automatically make Users that have not interacted with their Profile by logging in for a number of days that is able to be set.

To activate this feature:

  1. Click the tick box

  2. Provide the number of days you wish to choose as an inactive period (between 90 and 365)

  3. Use Save to enable the feature

Promote Custom Actions

There is an option to allow or disallow Users from using the Promote Custom Actions features. It may sometimes be prudent to only allow Custom Actions to be promoted by Users once the mechanisms are in place to facilitate that, and there has been sufficient communication regarding it’s usage.

  • Yes - The Promote Custom Actions Feature will be enabled

  • No - The Promote Custom Actions Feature will be disabled

Mandatory Target Completion Date (Actions)

There is an option to make Target Completion Dates mandatory when creating and editing Actions. This means that when someone creates or edits an Action, the Action will not save unless a Target Completion date has been set.

  • Yes - The Mandatory Action Target Date Feature will be enabled

  • No - The Mandatory Action Target Date Feature will be disabled (Default)


There is an option to allow Mentor/Mentee relationships. This provides the functionality for people with suitable competencies to establish themselves as Mentors, and for others to select them to be their Mentor as part of their Action Planning.

  • When this option is selected it also provides the ability to Manage a list of Mentor Preferences.These are preferences that both Mentors and Mentees can select and set for themselves in order to provide Mentor/Mentee matching.

  • People that wish to be Mentors, MUST have the Generic Attribute Business Skills of Level 4 or greater in their Skill Profile.

To select this option then Can find a Mentor? must be set = Yes

This will then reveal 2 further settings:

  1. The ability to Select Mentors for profile approvals: Refer: 18. Manage Features/Settings | Profile Approvals feature

  2. the ability to Manage Mentor Preferences list:

Use the Click for edit page to manage the list. e.g.

You can then:

  • Add new Preferences (Note: New Preferences will always initially show as Deselected as the default)

  • Edit the names of current Preferences

  • Make Preferences available using the Selected column

  • Delete Preferences.

Allow Profile updates and Evidence from actions

This feature provides the capability for Line Managers (LMs) and Mentors to Propose automated Skills Profile Updates and automatically add add Evidence against skill/levels associated with completed (Done) Actions for the people assigned to them.

To deploy this functionality set: Allow profile updates and evidence from actions? = Yes

This will then provision:

Via their MyPeople Planner Tab / and the Action Plan of the people assigned to them, LMs & Mentors will be provided with the button

Using the above button it will then:

  1. Filters the persons Actions to only show Done actions

  2. Adds a Propose button to the Done Actions

Selecting the Propose button on the Done Actions will open a dialogue that will enable them to:

  1. Review the Action (Read only format).

  2. Select/Deselect the skill/levels to only those they believe are appropriate for updating.

  3. Select the Capability level to be applied to those skills/levels (Knowledge, Proficient or Competent)

  4. Use the Process button to initiate the proposal

The Process button will then initiate:

  1. An Email notification to the assignee, to inform them an update has been proposed.

  2. Initiate an action button on the Profile page of the assignee e.g.:

When the Assignee uses the Action Button:

  1. The proposed changes will be displayed

  2. They get the option to Accept, Reject (or Cancel)

If they Accept:

  1. Their Skills Profile will automatically be updated with the skill/levels accordingly and a new (unapproved) version will be created.

  2. A Text based Evidence record will automatically be added to the assignee Evidence list associated with the updated skills/levels

  3. The LM/Mentor will receive an Email notification of the acceptance and the comments left by the assignee.

If they Reject:

  1. The LM/Mentor will receive an Email notification of the acceptance and comments left by the assignee.

  2. The Action button will disappear.

Cancel will cancel the dialogue and enable it to be re-activated as required.

Allow users to skip self assessment surveys

This feature can be used to circumvent Users being required to complete Self Assessment surveys before being provided access to an account. It instead provides a Planner account with a blank Skill Profile, that can then be set up entirely via their Planner. If invoked:

  • An extra toggle field is added to all Users called Skip survey, allowing the feature to be specific to selected Users as required.

    • Note: This field will also become editable via the users Meta Data, and available via the std Export/Import for Manage Users.

When Skip survey = Yes for Users:

  1. Those Users are Assigned and sent an Email for access to their account in the same way as a survey invitation Email using Assign Participants.

  2. The Email is however based on Email Template User setup without self-assessment, which contains a link for a password reset rather than a survey link.

  3. After setting their password (if needed i.e. not SSO), they will then get access to their Planner with a Blank Skills Profile.

  4. They will need to Edit their Personal Details and add data for the fields normally populated from the survey.

  5. They will need to use Create Profile from their Planner to set up their Skills Profile.

Allow Show Hidden Skills

This can be used in conjunction with the ability to Hide Professional Skills via Manage Skills and Attributes.

  • No - The hidden skills will remain hidden to individuals managing their Skill Profiles, and to anyone managing Requirements (Job/Roles).

  • Yes - Buttons Show Hidden Skills and Hide Hidden Skills will be come visible to individuals Profile pages and to people Managing (Editing) Requirements. This provides them with the ability to see and select/deselect any skill that had been hidden. However it will not affect the intent of hiding skills.

Allow users to see their Leaders

When set (Yes) this will initiate a Tab in the User Planner menu called My Leaders which will list the people they have been assigned to as either a:

Line Manager

Team Leader


  • No - Users will NOT have have access to a My Leaders Tab in their Planner menu

  • Yes - Users WILL have have access to a My Leaders Tab in their Planner menu

Allow Badges from Actions

This is provided to allow for a special case feature that allows (Predefined) Actions to be set up specifically for training style actions that are accredited and associated with Badges. This in turn provides the ability for the automated badge issuing, Profile skill updates, and Evidence creation associated with the training. Badge and Skill updates are limited to Knowledge & Proficiency selections only.

The trigger for the badge issue etc, is only available to Line Managers and Mentors.

When set (Yes) this will make available:

  1. The special Action Type:

  2. The ability to select a Badge Issuer for the Action. Currently available are:

    • APMG

    • DSA

  3. The Admin Access Permissions:

Enable Click to Edit LoR?

Allows you to Toggle Off the ability to use the Click to edit LoRs and rather use the legacy Edit button to select the LoR levels.

=Yes - (Default) Uses the Click (on cell) to select LoRs.

=No - Returns to the legacy select Edit Icon to make changes to LoRs.

Auto prompt for Evidence when editing profile?

This special option is provided for Customers that which to “enforce” a rule that whenever someone updates their Skill Profile with a “Proficiency” or “Competence” selection for a Skill/Levels, an Add Evidence Button becomes Active as part of the process to Save the changes.

  • No - (Default) standard save process

  • Yes - Add Evidence Rule enforced


  • The Save changes button will NOT become active until the person has added Evidence first, by using the Add Evidence button and resultant Add Evidence dialogue to create an Evidence instance.

    • The Evidence will automatically be attributed to that Skill at all the levels newly selected as Competent.

Manage Evidence Types

Use this feature to tailor the list of Evidence Types that are made available for people to upload Evidence in their Planner. A standard set of Evidence Types is provided as default, but you are able to adapt the list based on organizational requirements.

  1. Select the Click for edit page

    1. Standard Search functionality is available. Use Clear to clear any Search criteria input

    2. After making any changes you can use the Refresh button to refresh the displayed list

    3. Use the X to close the list of Evidence Types window

  2. To make a change to the Name of a current Evidence Type:

    1. Use the edit icon in the Action column

    2. Change the name name as required

    3. Use Save to save the changes or Close to abandon the change

  3. To Delete a current Evidence Type

    1. Note: The Delete option will only be available if nobody is currently making use of that Evidence Type to select Evidence.

    2. Use the ⛔delete option in the Action column

    3. A prompt will appear in the Top RHS of the screen to indicate the successful deletion as above

  4. To Add a new Evidence Type use the + Add New button

    1. Provide a (unique) name for the new Evidence Type

    2. Use Save to save the new Evidence Type of Close to abandon adding a new type

    3. A prompt will appear in the Top RHS of the screen to indicate the successful addition as above

Manage Action Types

Use this feature to tailor the list of Action Types that are made available for people to select when adding new actions to their development Action Plan in their Planner. A standard set of Action Types is provided as default, but you are able to adapt the list based on organizational requirements.

  1. Select the Click for edit page

    1. Standard Search functionality is available. Use Clear to clear any Search criteria input

    2. After making any changes you can use the Refresh button to refresh the displayed list

    3. Use the X to close the list of Evidence Types window

  2. To make a change to the Name of a current Action Type:

    1. Use the edit icon in the Action column

    2. Change the name name as required

    3. Use Save to save the changes or Close to abandon the change

  3. To Delete a current Action Type

    1. Note: The Delete option will only be available if nobody is currently making use of that Action Type in their Action Plan

    2. Use the ⛔delete option in the Action column

    3. A prompt will appear in the Top RHS of the screen to indicate the successful deletion as above

  4. To Add a new Action Type use the + Add New button

    1. Provide a (unique) name for the new Action Type

    2. Use Save to save the new Action Type of Close to abandon adding a new type

    3. A prompt will appear in the Top RHS of the screen to indicate the successful addition as above

Navigation Labels and Links

These apply to the Navigation menu at the top of every Planner Page. The default looks like:

You are able to change both the Labels and the Links for 3 of these:

  1. Navigation 1 (Education)

  2. Navigation 2 (Support)

  3. Navigation 3 (Latest News)

To change them make changes to the appropriate Navigation Label to change it’s Label Name, and appropriate Navigation Link to change the URL Link.


Audit Logs

An audit log is available for viewing:

Select the Click to show Audit Logs link:

  1. You are able to specify a date Range:

    1. Select the Dates in the Dates fields

    2. Then use the Search button to update the table

  2. You are able to select which types of Actions you wish it to display.

    1. Click in the Action Type field

    2. Click the Types required, of which 2 are available

      • Command (The default and possibly the most relevant)

      • Query

  3. You are able to use the Search field to search for specific text in the columns

  4. You are able to export the data to an Excel workbook using the Export button



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