1. Logging on to the EEA Planner Console
1. Planner Sign In (Login)
Go to the Login Page - https://my-eea.skillstx.com/
Use your email address and your SkillsTx password credentials to get access.
Ensure you are using the exact same email you registered your account with (An alias will not work), and if using Copy/Paste of either your email or password ensure you have not inadvertently included spaces or hidden spurious characters when you copied..
Ensure you are using the exact same email you registered your account with (An alias will not work), and
Single sign-on capability is available If you are logged in with either a Microsoft or Google account with same email as the one registered for SkillsTx.
However they can be problematic.
Sign in with Google requires a Gmail account.
Sign in with Microsoft does require your service provider or organisation have enabled the access.
On this page:
Depending on:
The ID you are using to login
What SkillsTx components you are involved in (e.g.):
Admin Console
Planner Console
Surveys (e.g. Job Definition surveys)
You may either be directed:
Directly to the Planner Console OR
Given an option to select which of the components you wish to access as per the image shown on the RightĀ ā
In which case you will need to choose the component you wish to access. In this case, Planner
You are also able to Sign Out of the system from the selection page using Sign Out
2. Forgot Password?
Use the Rest Password link
You will need to provide your email address, and a Reset Password email will be sent to that address with a link to enter the Reset Password dialogue
Forgot Password link
The Reset Password page can be found at:
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