7. My Settings

7. My Settings

These are Settings than can be managed by the individual via their Planner Console

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Settings:

Using the Forget Me button will remove all existing data related to the person including their Planner access.

This option will only be visible if the Organisation owning the Workspace has enabled the GDPR functionality.

Your Personal Settings:

You are able to make changes to your name details from here:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Preferred Name - (The name used when addressing you in emails from the system, and optionally displayed in the Planner)

Would you like to use your preferred name whenever possible? No/Yes

  • Set this to YES if you would like to be referred to by your Preferred Name rather than your First Name wherever your name is displayed in the Planner.

Continue to receive Planner activity notifications from SkillsTx? To Unsubscribe select No Yes/No.

  • Set to No if you do not wish to continue getting reminder style notification

  • These are automated reminder style notifications for overdue actions or lack of activity etc

  • The Administrators of the Workspace are able to reset this setting if deemed necessary

You are able to include your LinkedIn URL in the space provided.

You are able to upload and store additional career information by using the Choose file button then selecting the files you wish to upload.

Important: Once any changes have been made to Personal Settings:

  • Press the Save button to save the changes and upload any files

Personal Data:

Use the Download Personal Data button to enter the dialogue to save an Excel workbook of all the data that has been housed in SkillsTx pertaining to the person including references to Evidence files.


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