3. My Action Plan (Plan)

Used to view skill gaps and create and manage Action Plans to address them

On this page:

Displaying Focused Skill Gaps - Step-by-step guide

The focused Skill gaps are filtered according to the Profile type and Job

  1. Select the Focused tab in the Skill Gap panel

  2. Currently the Profile you wish to focus on will be pre-selected to SelfAssessed as the only option:

  3. Select which Job you wish to focus on:

    • Current

    • Future

  4. The panel will automatically update the Skill Gaps based on the selection criteria. Gaps are grouped according to the Categories/sub-categories/Skills

May also include LoR gaps where relevant


Shown under the full Skill name and Code, the Skill Code + Skill level (e.g. LEGR5)

These details are shown in both the Focused and All Skill gaps outcomes tables:


The official description of the skill at that level

Has Plan

- Indicates No action in the plan for this gap

- Indicates there is already an action in the plan for this gap


- Indicates the planned action is completed

- Indicates the planned action is NOT completed

This button is used to automatically set the focus for an Action for the gap


Displaying All Skill Gaps - Step-by-step guide

The All Skill gaps provides an expanded level of filtering and the ability to address a wider range of gaps simultaneously. This helps to evaluate where actions can be added to the plan that address more than a single gap, thereby improve aspects such as cost effectiveness. e.g. Addressing skills gaps that impact both Current and Future Jobs.

  1. From the All tab in the Skill Gap panel:

  2. Select the required filters: 

    1. Job/Role - Current & Future:

      • Required skills

      • Desirable skills

    2. Profile - SelfAssessed

      • Not selected

      • Partial

  3. The panel will automatically update the Skill Gaps based on the selections. Gaps are grouped according to the SFIA Categories/sub-categories/Skills

Additional Information provided in the All skill gap table:

Job/Role Skill

Which of the filters selected for Job/Role apply to this Skill gap

Multiple selection for a single gap may represent a good reason to address this gap, as it indicates it will resolve multiple deficiencies

Profile Gap

Which of the filters selected for Profile apply to this Skill gap

Adding Custom Actions to the Plan - Step-by-step guide

Actions can be added to the Plan from either the Focused or All Skill Gaps tabs

  1. Decide which of the Skill gaps you wish to add an action for e.g.

  2. Select the Magnify icon

  3. This will automatically select the relevant Unactioned Skill in the populate the Add Action Panel: e.g.

  4. OR you can go to the Add Action panel directly

  5. Complete the rest of the form as required. See details

  6. Press the Add button to add the action to the Plan



A short name to identify the Action in the plan


Select the type of action it will be from the list. (Training Course is the default):


Provide a description of the action


Provide a target date for completion of the action. Reminders may be sent based on this date.

Duration (days)

Provide the duration in days for the action. (Elapsed time where applicable)


Optional link for the action. may be an intranet link or external link. Could be for details about the action or for booking a place on a training course etc.


This is a list of Skills/Lvls or LORs that remain unactioned based on the skill gap analysis. Select the Unactioned Skill/Lvl (or LoR) that the action intervention is designed to address.

Note: These will be automatically selected when selected via the Skill gap.

Additional Skills/Lvls or LORs ones may be selected as well if applicable from Other Skills (below).

Other Skills

Additional Skills/Lvls or LORs (in addition to Unactioned ones selected above), may be selected here if the action addresses them. It can also be used to include Skills/Lvls or LORs that have been dropped from the Unactioned list due to them being addressed in a previous Action. (e.g. It could be that achieving the Skills/Lvl or LOR requires more than a single action).

  1. Select them here :

  2. Then press the Add button to include them under Other Skills

Adding Predefined Actions to the Plan - Step-by-step guide

Actions can be added to the Plan from either the Focused or All Skill Gaps tabs

  1. Decide which of the Skill gaps you wish to add an action for as per the Custom interventions

  2. Select the


  3. OR you can go to the Add Action panel directly

  4. Select the Predefined Action tab in the Add Action panel.

  5. Use the Filter button if you wish to filter the Predefined Actions based on a set of 4 possible criteria. This is useful, for instance if you have some preferred suppliers or you just want to shorten the list to be more specific to your requirements.

Filter Options


  • Gaps Only - Shows only actions related to your skills gaps

  • Show All - Shows all actions regardless of whether it is a skill gap

Select Provider

  • All Providers or

  • Select a specific provider from the list

Select Skill

  • No selection will shows actions related to All Skills or

  • Select a specific Skill or LOR from the list

Select Job

The Select Job filter will only be relevant if Job/Roles have been associated with Predefined Actions by the Administrators of your workspace. Jobs/Roles will only show in the list if this is the case.

  1. A list of any predefined actions that address the Skill gap or based on the filter selection will show for selection.

  2. Note: You can view the details regarding any targeted actions in a pop-up window by selecting the

    icon e.g.

  3. Select the action you require

  1. e.g.

  2. Add a short description and Target date (Shown at the end of the list):

  3. Press the Add button to add the action to the action plan

Managing the Action Plan - Step-by-step guide

Viewing the Action Information

From the My Action Plan panel:

  1. Select the

    icon on the action or click the action heading. The details will be shown in a pop-up window:


Changing or Deleting an Action

From the My Action Plan panel:

  1. Select the 

    icon to make changes to the action in a pop-up window

  2. For changes, make the required changes to any of the details.

    • Here you can also change the Status from the following options:

      • ToDo

      • InProgress

      • Done

  3. Press the Save button to save the changes or Close to discard the changes.

  4. To delete an action from the plan use the Delete Action button.

Producing an Action Plan report - Step-by-step guide

  1. Select the


  2. Your report will be generated and emailed directly to you


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Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.