7.4 Promoting Custom Actions for Team Members

Promoting Custom Actions for Team Members

Functionality is provided for Team Leaders and Line Managers who, while reviewing the Action Lists of members of their Team, can choose to Promote Custom Actions created by the Team Members, for acceptance and have them added to the Predefined Actions list.

In such cases the Skillcoins generated by the promotion. will be added to the tally of the Team Leader or Line Manager themselves NOT the Team Member.

If a Skillcoin reward system has been implemented in your organization our recommendation would be, in order to promote and enhance employee experience/engagement, would be to rather have the Team Member Promote the Action themselves, in order that they get the benefits of the Skillcoin rewards.

Promoting a customized Action via a Team Members Action plan if precisely the same as you would for Promoting your own Actions. If the action list includes an active Promote button, then it is available for promotion.

  1. Follow the instructions in: 4.5 Promoting Actions




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