4.4 Adding Actions to your plan

4.4 Adding Actions to your plan

Adding an Action

  1. Navigate to the Manage Your Action Plan Panel on the page

    Note the following Buttons:

    • Show Hidden Skills - Using it will also list any Skills set as Hidden. The reasons for them being hidden are specific to each organization.

      • Switch off using Hide Hidden Skills

    • Show All - Will expand the list of “Gaps” to include all Skills regardless of whether there is a gap or not.

      • Switch off using Hide Detail

      • Note: This button can be used when adding Skills to an Action that are not currently “Gaps”. It will also expand the Other Skills Selection to the full framework. (Described below)

    • +New Action - Adding a new generic Action (See below)

    • Print - For generating and exporting a pdf Action List Report.

  2. You have 2 options for adding an Action

    1. The generic option by selecting the +New Action button from the top of the Skill Gaps list. Note: For this option the one difference is you will be required to specify the skill/level gap that you wish to address.

    2. Use the Add Action buttons associated with the specific skill gaps in the list. For this Option the Skill/Level will already be populated based on the skill gap

      • Apart from that, the actual process is exactly the same

  3. We will demonstrate using the Add Action option (Select an Add Action associated with a Skill Gap)


Add a Custom Action

  1. Ensure Create Custom Action is selected in the resultant Add Action pop-up

  2. Complete the Form fields:

    1. Name - Give you action Name that allows it to be uniquely identified

    2. Type - select the type of action it is:

    3. Description - Provide a brief description of the Action

    4. Target - We recommend providing a sensible target completion date.

      • Note1: The ability to set a Target Date is able to be made Mandatory if your organization chooses to do so. If this is the case, the Save button will NOT become active unless a Target has been set.

      • Note2: Reminder notices will use this date.

    5. Duration(Days) & Duration(Hours )- Provide a duration in Days or Hours the action is expected to take.

    6. Hyperlink (Optional) - You can include associated links such as to a particular Training course, an Event/Conference etc.

    7. Adding skills. It is most common to add skill/s to your Actions.

      • No Skills - You can however choose to create Actions that are unrelated to any skills, and omit selecting skills. You will need to confirm that this was you intention when you save it.

      • Applicable Skills - When Add Action is used, the most applicable skill (Skills associated with skill gaps) will already be selected based on the Skill gap. You can select additional applicable skills if appropriate.

      • Other Skills - If the Action also addresses other skills/levels not listed under applicable skills, that you would like to include you can select the skill from the drop-down list. This list can be expanded to include the full Framework when the Show All button is enacted. e.g.

      • After selecting each skill you will need to add it to the list by pressing the + button



  3. No Skills - You can however choose to create Actions that are unrelated to any skills, and omit selecting skills. You will need to confirm that this was you intention when you save it.

    1. The Save Action button will become active once you have at least completed all the compulsory fields (Including Target Date if Mandatory). Press the button to save the action and add it to your list of actions .

    2. If you have chosen NOT to select any Skills, you will need to acknowledge the following pop-up in order for the Action to be saved:



When skills selected are based on a Skill Gap, you will be able to create more than 1 Action and select the same skill. In fact this is encouraged based on the premise that it can take up to 3 or even more actions to become competent at a skill.


  1. Training Course

  2. Mentoring / Coaching

  3. On the job experience

However if you have chosen skills that are not associated with a Skill Gap, you can only associate that skill with a single Action.

On this page:

Add a Predefined Action

  1. Ensure Select Action from List is selected in the resultant Add Action pop-up

    1. Note: Predefined Actions will only be available if whoever is managing your instance of SkillsTX has chosen to include lists of Predefined actions

    2. Note2: Initially the list will only show predefined actions that are associated with your skill gaps. If none are shown, then this will indicate there are no predefined action specifically targeted for your gaps

    3. Pressing the i (Information) icon will show a pop-up with a description of the action itself

    4. Use the Close button to close the pop-up

  2. At the simplest level, if a suitable predefined action matching your skill gap is shown, then you can select the Action. (Note: Below we describe how you can use the filter to filter predefined actions)

  3. Populate the Description field

  4. We recommend you also populate the Target completion date

    • Note1: The ability to set a Target Date is able to be made Mandatory if your organization chooses to do so. If this is the case, the Save button will NOT become active unless a Target has been set.

    • Note2: Reminder notices will use this date.

  5. The Save Action button will become active once you have selected an Action (and set a Target Date if Mandatory). Press Save Action to save the action and add it to your list of actions

Using the Predefined Actions filter

You can use the filter icon to filter the predefined action offered to you. Example - you may wish to see what offerings are available regardless of your skill gaps.

  1. Select the filter Icon

  2. By default the filter is set to Gaps Only

  3. You can select an alternative gaps filter

  4. You are also able to filter on Providers if more than 1 provider is available to you

  5. You can filter to show only a specific skill that you are interested in

  6. You can also use Select Requirement, as Requirements are able to have specific Predefined Actions assigned to them:


  7. The list of Predefined Action presented will now be based on your filter choices


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