7.6 Issuing Badges from Accredited Badge Issuing Action

Issuing Badges from an Accredited Badge Issuing Action

Issuing (or Rejecting) badges that have been assigned to special case Actions set up with:

  • Action Type = Accredited Badge Issuing Action.

These are only available if:

  • Your organization or accredited Trainers associated with your organization have the ability and authority to issue badges with respect to SFIA Skills training.

  • Your system has Allow badges from Action = Yes.

  • You have either a Line Manager or Mentor relationship with the person for whom the specfic badge related training action was assigned.

  • You are aware of, and following the organizations processes and procedures governing the issuing of badges based on predefined training courses.

It is assumed that in most cases the actual selection/assignment of the predefined Accredited Badge Issuing Action would have been carried out by yourself or a similarly qualified/authorized person.

  1. Ensure the person has completed the training action to your satisfaction, and you deem them worthy of having the badges issued.

  2. Via your MyPeople, select the persons Action Plan page, and Click Edit on the specific Action.

    • Note: The Action may have a status of Done, requiring a Show All.

  3. Click the Issue Badge button to trigger the issuing of the badge/s process.

    • Or Reject Badge if you are not satisfied with their training outcomes.

      • Note: They will receive an Email communication regarding the rejection.

  4. Acknowledge the following pop-up to proceed with the badge issuing:

  5. Wait for the brief Success pop-up to show to confirm the badge issuing.

  6. The following will then occur:

    • The individual will receive an Email Notification regarding the Badge issuing.

    • The Status of the Action will be changed to Issue Badge, and the action will become static.

    • The badge/s will be issued as predefined by the Action. (Up to 6 badges).

      • Either Knowledge or Proficiency badges as defined.

    • Their Skill Profile will be automatically updated (version + 1) with the skills/levels defined by the Action. (Up to 6 skills/levels).

      • Either Knowledge or Proficiency as defined.

    • SFIA Accreditation Evidence will be automatically added to their Evidence list for each Badge issued with the Credley link specified.

    • Their Digital Wallet will be updated with the new issued badges.

On this page:

Accredited Badge Issuing Action process flow





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