7. My People

7. My People

My People


People who have been configured in the Org Structure as either a:

  • Team Leader

  • Line Manager

will show a My People tab in their Planner Menu. From here they will be able to carry out various functions all related to assisting with employee engagement.

Table Column Settings Configuration

You are able to manipulate which columns in the table will be visible, as well as the order of the columns.

  1. Select the Column Settings button: It will Open a dialogue pop-up

  2. User the sliders in the Visible column to decide which columns you wish to include in the table.

    • Green - Indicates that column will be visible

    • Red - Indicates the column will be hidden

  3. Use the Arrows in the Order column to move the columns into an order that suits your requirements

  4. Use the Close button to close the settings dialogue

The Column Settings will remain as set permanently for you across future sessions or until changed


  1. See an overall picture of the status and activities of the people assigned to them.

  2. Identify possible hot spots and warning signs when the people assigned to them do not appear to be engaging as much as is required. A combination of the coloured icons in the Activity Status and Approved Profile columns, can provide an initial visual indication of engagement. e.g.

    1. Green Ticks in both - A possible indication of good engagement and no actions required

    2. Red X’s in both - A high level warning sign of no recent engagement, and possibly requiring your direct engagement

    3. Combinations of Red X’s, Green Ticks and Orange !'s varying degrees of warnings and possible reasons to engage

  3. View the Skill Profiles of the people assigned to you

  4. View the Action Plans of the people assigned to you

  5. View the Evidence of the people assigned to you

  6. View the Notes of the people assigned to you

  7. In the case of Line Managers, make changes to the Action Plans of the people assigned to them

  8. Approve Self Assessed Profiles that when approvals have been requested

  9. Generate and send an Activity Statement email allowing you to prepare for some type of engagement or business deadline off-line

On this page:

Note: The various Icons used, have hover-overs that explain their meaning. e.g.

Table Explanation

Column Heading



  • The name of the assigned person

  • A link for reviewing the persons Profile, Action Plan, Evidence & Notes


Your relationship type with the person. Either:

  • Team Leader

  • Line Manager

  • Mentor

Activity Status

Describes what sort of engagement there has been with this person:

  • Green Tick - Indicates Good Engagement - this person has made an update in the past 30days

  • Orange ! - Could indicate a lack of support or over commitment - There has been no activity in the past 30days, or there are overdue actions outstanding

  • A Red X - Could indicate lack of engagement - No activity in the past 90 days

Approved Profile

Describes the status of Profile Approvals (Provided Approvals have been instigated)

  • Green Tick - Persons Profile has been approved

  • Orange ! - Person has requested a Profile approval, but it has not been approved as yet

  • A Red X - Profile not approved and the person has not requested approval as yet.


Current Requirement

Shows the Job/Role that the person has assigned for their Current Requirement

Current Self Match %

Shows the % matches of their Current Requirement against both their Self Assessed Profiles

Current Endorsed Match %

Shows the % matches of their Current Requirement against both their Endorsed (when applicable) Profiles

Future Requirement

Shows the Job/Role that the person has assigned for their Future Requirement

Future Self Match %

Shows the % matches of their Future Requirement against both their Self Assessed Profiles

Future Endorsed Match %

Shows the % matches of their Future Requirement against both their Endorsed (when applicable) Profiles


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