4.5 Promoting Custom Actions

4.5 Promoting Custom Actions

Promoting Actions

Use of this functionality will depend on whether organization recognizes this as useful functionality for them and has made the feature available for usage. Any reward system associated with Skillcoins will also be organization dependent.

If have added a custom Action for yourself, (as apposed to selecting a predefined Action from a list), and you believe that your custom action would be useful for other people in your organization as well, then you have an option to Promote your custom Action and have it assessed and accepted by a suitable Admin person, usually someone who has access to setting up (predefined) Action lists. In addition we automatically assign “Skillcoins” for both the accepted Actions you have Promoted as well as for the number of times your Promoted Actions are added by others as an Action in their Action Lists.

Action suitable for Promoting will include a Promote button:


Promote a Custom Action

  1. Use the Promote button on the Action your wish to Promote:


  2. The Pop-up block will display the details of the Action you have chosen to Promote.

    1. Check the details are correct. If not you will have close the Promote Action and edit your Action then re-promote, you cannot change the details in the pop-up.

  3. If happy with the details press the Blue Promote button on the pop-up block

  4. Accept the Promote Action Confirmation with OK, or Cancel to abandon the promotion.

  5. A message will appear (Top RHS of page) once the action has been promoted

  6. An Email will be sent to suitable Administrators regarding your Promotion Request.

  7. If your Action Promotion is accepted, and the Action added to the Predefined Action lists you will receive an email informing you of the acceptance:

  8. Your Skillcoins for Action Promoted and Accepted tally will increase (or appear if your 1st one)

  9. And once people have started making use of your Promoted Action by adding it as an Action in their Action List your Skillcoins for Promoted Action Usage tally will also appear and change accordingly

The original Promote button on your Accepted Action will no longer be Active.

Your Organization may choose to reward people based on Skilllcoin tallies, something we recommend to enhance Employee Engagement.


On this page:

When your Promote of an action is Declined

  1. You will receive an Email advising you that the Promote has been declined, which will include the reasons why it was declined.

  2. The Promote button on the Action will be restored to an active state.

  3. Based on the reasons for the decline, you obviously then have the option of:

    1. Agreeing with the decision and take no further action.

    2. If the reasons providing include what changes you can make to the Action or other instructions then make the changes and complete the actions and then re-do the Promote as before.

    3. If you disagree with the reasons then the option is available to re-do the Promote. However possibly some sort of additional communication may be required with the decliner to address your disagreement.

How Promoted Actions are used

Promoted Action, once accepted, are added the Action list (Predefined Actions) associated with your Organization, and can be selected in the same way as any other Predefined Actions.




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