3.1 SFIA Skills Profile & Gaps

If your Planner account was provided without you having to complete the self-assessment surveys, then your Skills Profile may still be blank.

Skill Profile Key descriptions:

Skills Profile Key








Indicates a skill level that does not pertain to that skill

Not Selected

Pastel SFIA skill colour


Indicates a valid skill level for that skill that is selected as None


Full SFIA skill colour


Indicates a valid skill level for that skill that is selected as Competent


Left to right Diagonal stripes


Indicates a valid skill level for that skill that is selected as Proficient


Horizontal stripes


Indicates a valid skill level for that skill that is selected as Knowledge

Additional Icons displayed:




When you select this question mark Icon to the left of the Skill Code it will open a pop-up window displaying the Guidance Notes for the skill as provided by the SFIA Foundation. If have an alternative language selected it will be displayed in the alternative language provided it is an official SFIA Foundation translation. If not it will default to English.


This is an indication that Attributes are available for selection for this skill. Clicking the Icon will open the Attribute selection pop-up window and dialogue.




You are able to include Comments to your skill selections. If the Comment Icon shows, it indicates a Comment has already been added.

  1. To View or Add a Comment click on the skill/level selection. It will open up a dialogue Box to which you can view/change current Comments or add new ones. Once a Comment is added the Icon will appear.

  2. Use the Save changes after Adding or Changing Comments.

Any Comments will be included in your Profile Report.

Comments preceded the ability to Add Evidence to support Skill selections, however it was retained to provide continuity for people who were still making use of Comments.

Profile Display Selections:




Choose Profile Type

  • Self Assessed

  • Endorsed (If Available)

Select the Skill Profile type you wish to display

Note: Endorsed Profiles are not always being utilized

Choose Requirement Type

  • None

  • Current Job/Role

  • Future Job/Role

Select the appropriate one if you wish to display a visual of the skill gap situation against either your assigned Current or Future Job/Role


A list of versions of the selected Profile

Select the version you wish to Display if other than the current (latest) one.

On this page:

Main Profile Display Buttons




Note: The below Approvals set of buttons will only be visible if approvals have been configured as enabled for your organization and a Self Assessed profile has been selected.

Request Approval

Press if you wish your Team Leader/Line Manager to approve the current version of your Self Assessed Skills Profile. Notification Emails will be sent to your TL/LM and to anyone that has Admin Approval permissions.

Refer: https://skillstx.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYCxk

Approval Pending

Shows in the interim between a Request for Approval and until such time as the Team Leader/Line Manager has Approved the Profile. (Note: Will be replaced by Request Approval if you Edit and Save a new version of your Profile)

Refer: https://skillstx.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYCxk

Approved by Approvers Name DDMMMYY

Shows the approval status of Approved, and when selected will display the notes the Approver has associated with the approval. (Note: Will be replaced by Request Approval if you Edit and Save a new version of your Profile)


Approval Postponed Click for Reasons

Will show if an Approver has postponed an approval either requiring you to Revise (edit) your Skills or Add extra Evidence. Clicking on the button will describe both the Reason and Comment from the Approver.


  • You must click to review comments for a Re-Request Approval button to appear.

  • Will disappear if you Edit and Save a new version of your Profile).

  • Refer:

Re-Request Approval

Displayed after an Approval Postponement. Press when you wish to inform your approver that have made the necessary changes and wish fir your Profile to be reviewed for approval again. Notification Emails will be sent to your TL/LM and to anyone that has Admin Approval permissions.


Replace with Endorsed

Note: Only visible when Endorsed Profiles are available and Self Assessed Profile selected.

Use to create a new version of your Self Assessed Profile that is exactly the same as your Endorsed Profile

Create New Version

This provides the ability to define a totally new version of your Profile from scratch. It offers you a totally empty Profile you can then start editing to add your Generic Attributes and skills.

Examples of why you may wish to create a totally new Profile from scratch:

  • If your Profile is totally incorrect

  • If you are unhappy with the selections you made when doing your surveys

    • Note: Once you have established a Profile, surveys are unable to be reset to redo them. Using the Planner is the option if you previously finished you surveys

Make Latest

This Button will only display if you have selected a Profile Version other than the latest one in the Version select drop-down

This feature provides the ability to go back to an earlier version of your Profile, and make it the current (latest) version.

Show Detail /

Hide Detail

Toggle between:

  • Showing the selected Profile with only the skills you have selected

  • Or against the full expanded SFIA skills set

Show/Hide Hidden Skills

These buttons will only be displayed if your organization has chosen to “Hide” selected Professional Skills from being included in surveys, profiles and Job/Role Requirements, AND they have chosen to allow them to be seen when viewing and editing your Profile.

Toggle between:

  • Showing the hidden Skills

  • Hiding the hidden skills

Edit Profile / Cancel

Note: Only visible when Self Assessed Profile selected.

Use if you wish to Edit your Self Assessed Profile. Will open the Self Assessed Profile in Edit mode and show the full expanded SFIA skills set

You can use Cancel if you choose to abandon the edit

See Editing your Profile for details on how to edit it.

Export Profile

Note: Only visible if this option has been made available to you by the Administrator of your SkillsTX system.

This provides the ability to Export all your Profiles and data to a .json file, that can be used as an import file into another SkillsTX instance. This provides a level of mobility when moving between organizations, without having to re-do self-assessment surveys etc.


Use this button to get a print report version of the selected Profile. The report will show as a download in your browser page




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