4. Action Plan

Your Action Plan


Skillcoin options - May be present

If your organization has chosen to allow people to promote specific skill development actions that they have themselves investigated and added to their own Action Plan, then Skillcoins tallies will be displayed as above for:

  1. The number of Actions you have Promoted and had Accepted.

  2. The number of times your accepted Promoted Actions have been selected by others for their own Usage.

SkillsTX provides the functionality for Action Promotion, Acceptance, Usage and displaying the tallies, how (and indeed if) your organization chooses to reward people based on these tallies is dependent on the organization.

How to go about Promoting Actions can be found in 4.5 Promoting Actions

1-2-3 Guidance

These are guidance action steps to assist your with your Action Planning

  • Hovering over each step will provide details of the step itself, as well as links for specific actions

  • Clicking on the step will proceed to the action explained in the hover-over

  • Note: You organization may have tailored the Guidance to more specifically suit their requirements

On this page:

Viewing your Action Plan

This is the list of Development Actions that you have assigned to address skill gaps or to progress your career.

By default it will only list Uncompleted Actions

To Show All action, including compete ones then use the toggle:

To return to only show Uncompleted Actions you can toggle back using:

The list can be sorted based on:

Target Completion Date

Created Date




In either Ascending



Descending order using the appropriate button



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