3.7 Becoming and being Mentor (If available)
Becoming a Mentor
If the option for Mentors/Mentees has been made available to your system, AND you have the SFIA Business Skills (Generic Attribute) of Level 4 or greater in your Skills Profile, you will automatically have the option to establish yourself as a Mentor. This will be shown with an additional Button in your Skill Profile called Become a Mentor:
Establish your Mentor Profile:
Selecting the Become a Mentor button will set off a dialogue window in which you can establish a Mentor Profile by selecting, from the list of options provided, the Options that you wish to be matched against, when a Mentee is seeking a Mentor. Basically by establishing a Mentor Profile, you make yourself available as a Mentor. You will be matched as a Mentor based on your relevant Professional Skills, and the Mentor Profile: e.g.
Select the Profile Options that you wish to be matched against. You must select at least 1 Option to be visible as a Mentor.
Then use the Save button to establish your Mentor Profile.
You will get the following Prompt, and you can choose to Save your profile or Cancel the changes:
Press Save or Cancel as required
Once you are established as a Mentor you will the Become a Mentor button will be replaces by 2 new buttons:
Update Mentor Profile - Used to edit your Mentor Profile and make changes to the Options, or remove yourself as a Mentor
Mentee Request - Used to track and select Mentee Requests, and establish Mentor/Mentee Relationships
Update your Mentor Profile
Having a Mentor Profile is the basis for your being established as a Mentor. To make changes to your Mentor Profile:
Use the Update Mentor Profile button.
Make the required changes to your Profile by selecting/de-selecting options.
Note: Uncheck ALL selections to remove yourself as a mentor. However, you will remain a mentor to those who you have previously accepted requests.
Use the Update button to Save the changes.
You will get the following Prompt, and you can choose to Save your profile or Cancel the changes:
Press Save or Cancel as required
On this page:
Receiving, Checking and Accepting (or Declining) Mentor Requests from Mentees
You will receive automated Emails when someone Requests you as Mentor e.g.:
You can use the click here link in the Email OR
Use the Mentee Request button in your Planner to check for Mentee Requests.
If there are no Requests yet, it will display as No Data:
You can also check the Remark Information:
You have the Option to Accept or Reject the Mentor Request using the Tick or Cross Icons in the Status column.
If you choose to Accept you will receive a Confirmation pop-Up:
Use OK to accept or Cancel to cancel the selection.
You will then receive a pop-Up for you to provide a Comment regrading your acceptance.
Press Accept to continue with the Acceptance, or Cancel to cancel the acceptance.
You will see a confirmation Pop-Up of the action in the top Right hand corner.
The Mentee List will remove the Mentee Request from the List and request that you Logout/Login for the Relation ship to be properly established:
Use the X to close the Window
Logout and back into your Planner as requested
The Mentee will receive an Email informing them that you have accepted their request. e.g.:
You now ready to start communicating with the Mentee, and will have access to their Profile, Action Plan etc via your MyPeople Planner tab. e.g.
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