15. Assign Action Requirements

Assign Action Requirements

This task is used to assign specific Actions to Requirements (Jobs/Roles). This allows people to use the Select Requirement filter selection when using Select From Action List, when adding Actions to their Plan. If their Targeted Requirement has specific (and targeted) Actions already assigned to them, they can then immediately see which Actions they need to add to their Plan to develop themselves for that Requirement, whether a Current, Future or even their “dream” role.

Assign an Action to a Requirement

To assign a specific Action to a Requirement

  1. Find a suitable Action from the Action List table using Search or scrolling

  2. Select the required Action

  3. Use the Select Requirement drop-down to find

  4. the Requirement you wish to assign the Action to:

  5. Press the Add bar to add the Action to the Requirement:

  6. The requirement will be added to the list of Assigned Requirements associated with the selected Action

  7. Repeat as required if the Action is to be assigned to more Requirements

Requirements may have more than 1 Action assigned to them and Actions may be assigned to more than 1 Requirement

On this page:

Remove an assigned Action from a Requirement

To Remove an assigned Action from a Requirement:

  1. Find the assigned Action from the Action List table using Search or scrolling

  2. Select the required Action

  3. Select the Requirement you wish to remove from the Assigned Requirements list:

  4. Press the Remove bar to remove the Requirement from the Action:

  5. The Requirement will be removed from the Assigned Requirements list:

    • Note: in this case there was only 1 Requirement assigned to that Action



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