14. Manage Action list

Manage Action List

Used to manage the (Predefined) Actions available for the tenancy that owns the workspace. These are the predefined Development Actions that are able to be selected by individuals from their Planner to address the gaps.


Column visibility and Search/Filtering

Explained here: (Suggestion: User Right Click to select Open in a New tab or Window)

0.1 How to work with Admin Page tables and Search/Filtering

Add New Action

To add a single new Action to the list in-situ:

  1. Select the Add New button


  2. Provide the Action with a Name, which should be unique within the list

  3. Select the Action Type from the drop-down list

    The list of available Action Types is able to be changed according to needs via the Manage Features and Settings task, (except for Accredited Badge Issuing Action).

  4. Provide a suitable Description to describe the new Action

  5. Website (Optional) you can provide a Link e.g.

    1. A Link to a training Course sign-up or a Training Provider website

    2. A link to further information regarding the Action

  6. Change IsActive according to your requirements. i.e. You may not wish it to be made available immediately, and this can be changed at a later stage:

    • False (Default) - The Action is NOT (yet) available for selection

    • True - The Action will be made available for selection immediately

  7. Duration (days) or Duration (hours) (Optional) provide a Duration (days) or Duration (hours) for the Action. Note: Can also be a combination e.g. 1 day 3 hours.

  8. You can Optionally provide dates for the following (self explanatory) fields:

    • Publish On

    • Retire On

    • Review On

    • Note: Currently, These are documentary only for your own purposes of keeping track of Actions, and NO system action will be invoked based on these dates. (This may change in the future, based on demand)

  9. Provide a Version number for the Action (Default 1)

  10. Select (Mandatory) one or more Levels of Responsibility Codes/Levels and/or Skills Codes/Levels from the lists provided from. .

    • Levels of Responsibility

    • Skills (Professional)

    • Note: These are the LoRs and/or Skills that are associated with the Action, and for which the skill gaps will be addressed in some way by the Action

  11. Provided you have included all the mandatory fields, the Save button will have become active. Press the Save button to save the Action and include it in the list

    1. Or use Cancel if you choose NOT to save the Action

To make use of the Action Type = Accredited Badge Issuing Action, then the following differences apply:

  1. The Admin Setting: Allow Badges from Actions? must = Yes

  2. The Admin must have Access Permissions for Manage Badge Actions

  3. There are 2 separate List of Professional Skills from which to select the relevant skills:

    • Skills for KNOWLEDGE BADGES


      • Note1: The same skills can not be selected for both

      • Note2: Up to 6 only skills (overall) can be selected

  4. You will need to select a Badge Issuer from a selection of:

    • APMG

    • DSA


Using the Import and Export functionality you are able:

  • Do the initial populate the Action List and add additional Actions as required

  • Manage the whole list

Import Actions

  • Note that the contents of an Import will be merged with the existing Action NOT replace them. Therefore it will create a duplicate if a similar Action was already present.

  • Action with Type = Accredited Badge Issuing Action are NOT supported for Importing.

  1. Select the Import button

  2. If needed, you can use the Download Bulk Template button to download an Import Template which you can populate as required e.g.

  3. Using a template, populate it with a Row for each new Action, populating the fields as required (refer Table Import/Export Action Fields)

  4. Save your populated upload file somewhere suitable

  5. Use the Select Files in the Import pop-up to select your populated import file

  6. Once the file is selected, use Process Upload to begin the upload

  7. If the Upload is successful you will get the pop-up message

  8. If NOT successful you will get an error message

Note: When using Import, Actions are automatically set to Active. You will need to do a manual edit if you wish to make them Inactive

Export Actions

You can export a current list of Actions to an Excel Workbook, in a similar format to the Bulk Template:

  1. Select the Export button

  2. Move/Rename the file as required

Making use of the Exported Actions

The exported actions are able to be used to:

  • Keep a history of the Actions

  • Manage the Action List by using the Export file as an Import file

Therefore you will need to:

  1. Delete the Actions you wish to change/update from the list using either of the Delete Actions: Delete Actions

  2. Remove any Actions from the Exported Workbook you do NOT wish to change, and ADD any new Actions required

  3. Carry out an Import using the Exported Actions list changed in (2) above

On this page:

Action List table

Column Header

Options & Description

Used to select multiple Actions required to be deleted using the Delete Selected button


  • Edit an Action

  • Delete Action


The name of the Action


The action Type


The Generic Attributes (LoRs) Codes/Levels associated with the Action


The Professional Skill Codes/Levels associated with the Action


  • True

  • False

Whether the Action has been made Active (available for selection) or not

Duration (days)

Duration in days

Duration (hours)

Duration in hours


A (optional) link associated with the Action


An (optional) version number

Sfia Version

The SFIA version associated with the Action

Edit Actions

You are able to edit a single Action in-situ.

  1. Use the Edit Icon in the Action column to open the edit panel e.g.

  2. You are able to make changes to any of the fields as required

  3. Use the Save button to save your changes

    1. Or the Cancel button to cancel the edit

Delete Actions

There are 2 ways Actions can be deleted:

  1. Use the Delete Icon in the Action column to delete a single Action

  2. Use the Multiple selection and the Delete Selected button

Deleting a Single Action

  1. use the Delete Icon in the row for the Action you wish to delete

  2. From the resultant confirmation pop-up select OK to delete the Action

    1. Use Cancel to cancel the delete action

Deleting multiple Actions

  1. Select the individual Action to be deleted OR

    1. You can use the Header Selection Box to select ALL the Actions based on the Search criteria

      1. If needed, you can de-select any you wish to omit from deletion

      2. Warning: if you have NOT added Search criteria ALL Action will be selected NOT just the ones showing on the current page

  2. Use the Delete Selected button to delete ALL the selected

  3. From the resultant confirmation pop-up select OK to delete the Action

    1. Use Cancel to cancel the delete action

Import/Export Action Fields


Mandatory field


Mandatory for 1 of these fields to be populated at least


Optional field


Field Name






A suitable name, and suggest it should be unique in the list of Actions


Type (Select from the dropdown)

Default Options:


The drop-down provide a list based on the default list provided by SkillsTX when your system was initiated.

However the default list is able to be changed via Manage Features and Settings

So while a drop-down list is provided you are able to populate this with your own values if your organization has chosen to make changes.



Summary description of the action

A description that allows people to easily relate to what the Action is about



Number of days

The number of days expected for this Action

Note: can be a combination of Days & Hours



Number of hours

The number of hours expected for this Action

Note: can be a combination of Days & Hours



URL for the website booking or information page

This URL could be directed to a training course, or a training provider or just information about the Action as required


Publish On


This date is currently documentary only for your own management purposes


Retire On


This date is currently documentary only for your own management purposes


Review On


This date is currently documentary only for your own management purposes



Version number (Default=1)

A version number for the Action


LoR Addressed or Blank

Must be valid LoR Codes/Levels separated by commas which the Action addresses

e.g. AUTOn, INFLn, COMPn, BSKLn, KLGEn where n- levels from 1-7


Skills Addressed or Blank

Must be a Valid Skill Codes/Levels separated by commas which the Action addresses





Currently only SFIA 8 is supported





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