18. Manage email templates

Manage email templates

To adapt the various email templates that are sent directly from the portal to suit your requirements, use the Manage email templates task:

By default this task will open showing the Self Assessment Invite email template


  • The display name for the Emails is: SkillsTX Notifications

  • The Email address is donotrely@skillstx.com

Spescific Email Templates have an Email Active switch below the Subject Heading. This feature provides the ability for those (Automatic Send) Emails to be made Inactive, thereby stopping the automatic sending of those emails.

The Templates with this ability are highlighted in the Email Templates Available table.

On this page:

Email templates available

Email template

Description of usage

Self Assessment invite Email

Used to send the initial assessment surveys invitation email

Self Assessment invite for Self-Registrants

Used to send the initial assessment surveys invitation email to people who use the Self Register feature.

User setup without self-assessment

Used when a User has Skip survey = Yes instead of the self-assessment invitation. Contains a Planner account password reset link.

Self Assessment invite Email Reminder

Used to send Reminder assessment surveys invitation email. The frequency and number of these automatically sent will depend on the workspace settings

Self Assessment Reminder for Self-Registrants

Used to send Reminder assessment surveys invitation email to people who use the Self Register feature. The frequency and number of these automatically sent will depend on the workspace settings

Self Assessment invite Email Final Reminder

Used to send the Final Reminder assessment surveys invitation email. When this is automatically sent will depend on the workspace settings

Self Assessment Final Reminder for Self-Registrants

Used to send the Final Reminder assessment surveys invitation email to people who use the Self Register feature. When this is automatically sent will depend on the workspace settings

Self Assessed Notification

The Email that is automatically sent by the system when a person has completed their Self Assessment, accompanied with their draft Profile Report.

Approval Request

The Email that is automatically sent by the system when a person requests a Approval for the skills profile. The recipient of this email will depend on the workspace settings for approvals

Activity Statement Notification

This is a special periodic Email generated by the system to provide Leaders with an update on activity.

This Email Template is split into 2 separate sections.

  • Protected Body - Cannot be changed/edited

  • Email Body - Can be changed using the editor to include further information for your own Leaders.

    • e.g. What/How to follow up on based on the information provided in the protected section.

Low Activity Notification

This Notification Email, unless it has been suppressed, is automatically sent by the system to an individual if they have not invoked their Planner session in the last 60days

Skill Evidence has Expired Notification

This Notification Email, unless it has been suppressed, is automatically sent by the system to an individual if they have any evidence with an expiry date set, and which has expired in the last 60 days

Action Plan Target Date Missed Notification

This Notification Email, unless it has been suppressed, is automatically sent by the system to an individual if they have any Actions in their Action Plan with a Target Date set, and which has missed the Target Date in the last 30 days. (i.e. They have not set the Action to completed)

Approved Profile Notification

This Notification Email, is automatically sent by the system to an individual when their Profile is approved by the appropriate Team Leader or Line Manager. The email includes the Approvers comments

Postponed Profile Approval Notification - Missing Evidence

Notification Email to an individual when their Profile Approval has been Postponed by a Team Leader, Line Manager or Mentor when they have selected Missing Evidence. It includes the Comment provided by the approver by default.

Postponed Profile Approval Notification - Revise Skills

Notification Email to an individual when their Profile Approval has been Postponed by a Team Leader, Line Manager or Mentor when they have selected Revise Skills. It includes the Comment provided by the approver by default.

Updated Action Plan Notification

This Notification Email, can optionally be sent by the system to an individual when their Action Plan has been updated by the appropriate Line Manager. The Line Manager has an option to invoke the sending of the email after making an update to the individuals Action Plan

Endorsed Profile Notification

This Notification Email, is sent by the system to an individual when their Endorsed Profile has been Approved by the nominated Endorser

SFIA Badges issued Notification

Only available if the SFIA Certification option has been made available to your organization

This Notification Email, is sent by the system to an individual when their Evidence Skill has been certified and a badge issued.

Mentee Request Accept Email

Notification Email sent to the Mentee after the Mentor has accepted their Mentor Request.

Mentee Request Deny Email

Notification Email sent to the Mentee after the Mentor has denied their Mentor Request.

Mentor Request Email

Notification Email sent to a potential Mentor when a Mentee has requested that they be their Mentor.


Making changes to an email template

  1. Select the template you wish to change from the Templates drop-down:

  2. You can choose to change the subject line to your own requirements:

  3. You can choose to edit the email body either in standard editor mode or HTML format



  4. You can now adapt (edit) the email so suit you own organizational requirements

  5. Once you have completed editing you have the option to:

    1. Save the changes

    2. Reset and remove the changes to allow you to restart editing

Note: should you try and change Templates in the middle of editing another one you will need to reply to a prompt similar to the following:



Special substitution fields used in emails

Fields Name

HTML usage/format examples

Description & usage

Fields Name

HTML usage/format examples

Description & usage



Substitutes the persons Preferred Name, or Name if Preferred Name is not being used.



Substitutes the persons email address

First Name


Substitutes the persons first name

Last Name


Substitutes the persons last name (Surname)


Not currently active


Substitutes the content persons Other field.

(The field is used differently by different organizations)


<a href="$LoginUrl$" target="_self">HERE</a>

Substitutes the Planner Login link for the person to whom the email has been sent.


<a href="$ManageProfileUrl$" target="_self">Profile for Approval</a>

Substitutes the Planner Profile link for a person who has requested a Profile approval



Substitutes the name of the organization/Company that owns the workspace. Often used as part of an email signature


<a href="$SurveyPortalLink$" target="_self">Start Assessment</a>

Substitutes the unique link to the persons assessment surveys.


<a href="$TutorialLink$" target="_blank">here</a>

Substitutes a link to a web page with guidance specific to the persons current situation for the initial Assessment survey


<a href="$PrivacyPolicyLink$" target="_blank">Click here to view</a>

Substitutes with a link to the current SkillsTX privacy policy on our website


<a href="$VideoTutorialLink$" target="_blank">Instruction Video</a>

Substitutes with a link to the SkillsTX web page that links to the current Self Assessment tutorial video, to help prepare participants on what to expect.



Comments provided when a Profile approval has been postponed



The name of a Team Leader, Line Manager or Mentor that has provided Postponement comments.



Comments provided when a Profile approval has been requested.



Comments provided when a Profile has been Approved.

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