20. Manage Page Labels

Manage Page Labels

  1. You are able to tailor (Edit) the Users Planner 1-2-3 Guidance Steps for both the Skills Profile and Action Plan pages from the default label descriptions and hover over text, including the language translations, to suit your organizational requirements using Manage Page Labels. These are provided in the table on the page for in-situ changes.

  2. You are also able to:

    1. Export All translations for all Planner page Items, buttons etc, including the 1-2-3 Guidance Steps mentioned above, to an Excel Workbook, use the workbook to make changes to the translations, and Import All Translations with an updated set of translations to suit your organization.

    2. Export All Value Translations, which are the translations associated with an individuals personal details drop-down values lists in their Planner, usually initially captured via the self-assessment surveys.

Language Selection: You can select any of the standard SFIA languages (Default English)

Changing the 2 Planner 1-2-3 Guidance steps in-situ:

Skills Profile:

Action Plan:

Changing (editing) the text

  1. Select the language for the text you wish to change from the language selection at the top (default is English) . e.g.

    • Note: If English is selected the Translation column will (usually) be empty

  2. Select the edit icon in the Action column of the Name of the component you wish to change. (Refer to the Component Reference table for a description of how the Components are named)

  3. Edit the Content as required. Note that the text is HTML format, and you are able to include links as per the example above for the Action Plan Step1 Hover-over text

    • Both the English Content and the selected language Translation text are able to be changed as required

  4. Save your changes or Cancel if you wish to abandon the changes

  5. Use the Refresh Button to display the changes in the table and make the changes active

  • If English is selected, usually the Translation panel will only contain the word “Translation”. If you wish to retain the original English Content as a reference, you can Copy/Paste the Content into the Translation panel, then make whatever text changes you require in the Translation panel, and Save & Refresh. When English is selected (In the Planner), it will use the Translation text.

  • To revert back to the Original Content just edit again and delete what is in the Translation panel, Save & Refresh etc

Changing the Colour of Steps panels

This is managed using the function.



On this page:

Table Reference

Column Name



Edit Icon available only


Component Reference to the 1-2-3 Guidance steps in the following format: PageNameStepNumberType (refer Component Reference below)


The current text (HTML format) of the Component Reference


The current text (HTML format) of the Component Reference in the language selected from the Language Selection

Note: will be blank if the Language Selection = English

Component Reference





  1. SfiaProfile

  2. SfiaPlan

  1. Skills Profile page

  2. Action Plan page


  1. Step1

  2. Step2

  3. Step3

The steps


  1. Description

  2. Hover

  1. The Label description for the Step

  2. The hover over text that appears



This feature can be used to manage all translations available over and above the Guidance steps (All Translations), as well as translations of the Personal Details drop-down lists (Value Translations).

Export All Translations and Export All Value Translations

To Export the translations to an Excel Workbook:

  1. Select the Language (e.g. German):

  2. Select the Export All Translations or Export All Value Translations button


    • Examples:

Making changes to the Translations in the Workbooks

To make changes to the translations:

  1. Open the Workbook in edit mode and set it up to your requirements

  2. There are 4 columns for each Translation workbook:

    1. Page - For the All Translations This indicates which Planner pages the Item is situated on (Planner Tabs)

      • SfiaAll - All Planner Pages

      • SfiaProfile and SfiaProfileTooltip - Skills Profile

      • SfiaPlan and SfiaPlanTootip - Action Plan

      • SfiaEvidence - Evidence

      • SfiaManage - My People

      • RptJobProfile - Requirements Reports

    2. Page - For the All Values Translations this indicates the specific Drop-Down list

      • SFIA_Status - The persons status in the organization

      • SFIA_YearRangeJob - How long the person has been in their current role/job

      • SFIA_YearRangeOrg - How long the person has been with the organization

      • Contract_Type - Their Employment contract type

    3. Name - This is the name of the Item and the key that will be recognized by the Import function

      • These should never be changed!

    4. ContentText - This the the default English (UK) Text version for the Item as a reference.

    5. ContentTextTranslation - This is the selected language translation of the English Text in the language you have downloaded. This is is able to be changed to suit your environment and organization.

  3. For All Translations, Generally the Named Item will be a Button or Text reference on the page.

    1. Except if it is referenced as a Tooltip. These will be associated with an Item, and have the same Name as the Item but Suffixed with Tooltip. These are Hover-Overs. i.e. When the User hovers over the Item (e.g. Button), the Tooltip contents will be displayed.

      • Example:

        The Tooltip content in the 2nd row will be displayed when the User hovers-over the Request Approval (English) and Genehmigung anfordern (German) button.

  4. For All Value Translations, the Named Item is an item in a list.

  5. Note1: Descriptions and Hover-Overs for the 1-2-3 Guidance Steps, which can be changed in-situ, are included in the Workbook, but have a slightly different format. i.e. The Hover-Overs are not listed as Tooltips, but clearly masked as a Hover. e.g. SfiaProfileStep1Hover

  6. Note2: In cases where there is no ContentTextTranslation present, i.e. a Blank cell, the system will default to the English version.

    • However you cannot Import a file with blank translations, the Import will fail indicating a blank cell.

  7. Make your changes as required

    • This usually includes text, but in some instances such as for hover-overs, basic HTML coding.

  8. We recommend that you remove any rows from the Workbook that you have not changed in readiness for Importing.

    • Note3: Updates are made using the Name as the key, and removing the row will NOT remove the original translation etc.

  9. Save you your changed Workbook to a new alternative file name.

Due to the unpredictability of what maybe be added by clients, in terms of HMTL and text , there is very limited checking able to be carried out of the file when importing. Therefore the following are our recommendations when making changes to translations:

  1. Retain the original Exported file as a back-up, to allow you to restore the translations back to a known state

  2. Do not introduce any special (often hidden) characters that will not be translatable during the import, and which can result in a corrupted file. Such as:

    • If copying/pasting from another source, ensure you paste text only, and remove any special characters such as line or page throws.

    • Blank translations may be rejected. We suggest you should remove those rows from the Import file to circumvent the error.

  3. If including HTML code to help readability, ensure it is valid and correct, including paired quotes, ampersands etc.

  4. After you have Imported the changes, Export a new translation Excel Workbook, and ensure it can be opened in Excel. If you find that the file cannot be opened, and indicates it is corrupted, then there is a good chance it is a result of issues described in (2. & 3.) above.

    • If it results in a corrupt file, Import the original from (1.), and investigate/fix your changes, before trying again.

Importing Translation

  1. To Import your changes select the appropriate Import button and be sure to select the language required.

  2. Use the standard Select Files dialogue to select the file you saved with your changes e.g.

  3. Use the Process Upload button to Import your changes once the file is selected.

  4. You will get a brief Green prompt in the top RHS to indicate success

    1. Or if there have been any issues with the Import you will instead get an Red/Pink prompt indicating what the problem is.

      • Blank translations will be rejected. We suggest you should remove those rows from the Import file to circumvent the error.

  5. As per our Warning Recommendations above Export your new version of translations and Open the Excel file to ensure it is a valid file and not corrupted.


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