7.5.2 Wizard Wand Proposed Updates from a Line Manager or Mentor
Wizard Wand Proposed Updates from Line Managers or Mentors
This is functionality allows Line Managers and Mentors to Propose an automated update of an assigned employees Skill Profile (with the creation of a new (unapproved) version), using the Wizard Wand options displayed when Skill Gaps show a discrepancy for Skill Levels lower that one already selected by the Employee for a particular Skill.
To ensure that the SkillsTX #weownourskills ethic remains intact, updates are initially Proposed only. Assigneeβs, have the option to Accept or Reject the proposed changes, before any update actions can occur.
The following is the Line Manager/Mentor process for this functionality. (See Graphical depiction under LM/Mentor Process Flow)
As a Line Managers or Mentor access the Skills Profile of employees to whom they are assigned via the MyPeople Tab
Example - My People
They will need to have viewed the Skill gaps by selecting either a Current or Future Job/Role for the matching Comparison. Where a Wizard wand appears against a Gap. e.g.
They can then:
Select the Wand Icon for that Gap
OK or Cancel the Resultant Information pop-up e.g.
Select OK to propose the changes (Cancel to abandon the changes)
You can continue to select further Wands associated with any other appropriate gaps for other skills within the same session.
Once you have completed your selections review the message at the top of the Skills Profile & Gaps section e.g.
Check the expected number of changes is displayed
Click on Propose to Propose the changes or Cancel to Abandon the proposal.
Once you have made the Proposal ALL Wizard Wands will disappear from the Gaps page.
Following is what the Employee will see:
Receive a notification Email and a notification
An Action button will appear on their Skills Profile page regarding the proposal
They select the Action button to view a graphical image of the proposed changes
They have the options to Accept or Reject the proposed changes
And are required to include a suitable comment
Accept :
Will initiate an update of their Skill Profile, creating a new (unapproved) version.
You as the Proposer will be sent a notification Email of the acceptance, which will include their comments
Reject :
Their Action Button will disappear
You as the Proposer will be sent a notification Email of the rejection, which will include their comments
On this page:
Process Flow
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