2. Main Menu's

Top Menu Bar:


Current Selection accessing your Planner

Training Portal

Link to a training portal may be changed to suit the customer. By default this will be to Engineers Education Australia (EEA) (Opens in a new browser tab)


Link to the SkillsTx website Support Page (Opens in a new browser tab)


Link to the SkillsTX website News page (Opens in a new browser tab)


Use to logout of the system


  • Currently while various languages are offered, the EEA framework is only offered in English.

    • Changing to a different language will either have no affect or may be unpredictable.

    • This functionality is provided for non-EEA Frameworks (e.g. SFIA) that also utilise the SkillsTX platform.

Planner Menu Bar

The Planner Menu Bar will be different depending on the types of access you have been granted and the Organizational structure that has been configured. The above shows a typical subset of available Menu Items of someone assigned as a Team Leader.

Standard Menu Items



Standard Menu Items



Skills Profile


Personal Summary, Skill Profile/s and Job/Role assignments. From this page you can:

  • View/Change Personal Details & Image

  • View/Change Self-Assessed Skills Profile

  • View/Change Job/Role Assignments

  • View Skill gaps

  • View a snapshot of the status of Outstanding Actions

Action Plan


Manage your Action Plan



Upload/Manage Evidence



Maintain a set of personal Notes

Optional Menu Items



Optional Menu Items



My People

Line Managers & Team Leaders Only

Manage the relationship aspects of the people assigned to you

Team Analytics

Line Managers & Team Leaders Only

Access the analytics pages defined from a Team perspective

Digital Wallet

Anyone who has has earned Digital Badges for a skill via SkillsTX.

A “Wallet” to hold , display and managing the sharing of earned Digital Badges

Return to My Profile

Appears only after a Team Leader or Manager has selected to view another persons Profile etc.

When a TL/Manager has selected to investigate the Profiles etc of a person assigned to them, this tab appears in the Planner Menu as a means of navigating back to their own Planner

Manage Requirements

Users who have been assigned as Owners of a set of Requirements (Jobs/Roles)

From here they have the ability to:

  • View the Requirements

  • Make changes (edit) the Requirements

that have been assigned to them from their list of Requirements

Warning! If you are also an Admin, then this Planner Menu tab will not be shown, and instead you should use your Admin access, and the Manage Requirements task


Specifically selected people. (Via Admin)

Administration access for people who will be managing the Workspace, adding new Users and assigning Candidates for assessment etc.

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