SkillsTX (EB Services)

3.3 Improving employee engagement - Conducting more regular and relevant staff reviews

The use of SkillsTX has provided the opportunity for Line Managers and Team Leaders to carry our more regular performance management and professional development reviews with their staff. Because the system has been configured using the Org Structure feature, Line Managers and Team Leaders are able to view the Skills Profiles and Actions Plans of their staff, as well as the "Big Picture" analytics of the team/department.

Line Managers and team Leaders also have the capability to Approve the skill profiles of the people assigned to them, following a request for Approval.

This makes it really simple to organize regular (monthly or quarterly) reviews and feedback session rather than the more traditional annual review strategy. This means:

  • Approvals provide a mechanism for providing feedback and a opening a line of communication

  • Analytics provides the mechanism for keeping track of skill development actions

  • The reviews tend to be more relevant, with recent events still fresh in everyone's mind

  • It's a more dynamic way to follow up on the actions, and allow people to keep their Skill profiles continually up to date

  • More up to date skills profiles results in a dynamic skills register for the whole organization

  • The continual style feedback is in line with the Millennial way of thinking

Possible demo actions

  1. Thuy Moritz, the Manager Customer Services, is now able to very easily keep track of the people assigned to him via his Planner Login

    1. Login as

  2. Show the My People page to check the list of people and the current status of approvals etc

  3. Show how Thuy can look at the Profile etc of Devona Lam (for example) by selecting her from the list

    1. Show her Action Plan

    2. Show how he could Approve her Profile (she has requested Approval) if he is satisfied should he wish to

    3. All of this is a basis for discussion and explain this could be done online or person to person while using the system

    4. Following a review session Devona may need to update her Skill Profile and Action Plan based on the updates agreed with Thuy in the review session and she may need to re-request an approval

  4. Show how Thuy can download an Activity Statement (Email) using the Generate Activity statement button

    1. Explain the file gets sent to their email address

  5. Use the Team Analytics to show the big picture aspects of those reporting to him:

    1. Select Skills we have page


  6. The Action Plan Analytics would be useful to track development actions

  7.   You could display all the various team Analytics pages and use of the filters.

  • Making use of the Planner interface, makes it simpler to carry out more regular reviews using both face-to-face as well as using Video Conferencing, Skype etc

  • As her Manager Thuy has the option to Approve Devona's Profile

  • As her Line Manager Thuy also has the option to make changes to Devona's Action Plan. Only Managers (NOT Team Leaders), can actually make changes to the Action Plans of the people they manage. This is based on the idea that Managers would normally have budgetary control.

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