The following new User Planner features have been released:
The ability for employees, as well as Leaders to Promote Custom Actions and have them Assessed, Accepted and added the the Action List of the organization in order for that Action then to become available for others to select from the list.
🆕 🥇 To enhance and supplement this feature, we have also instigated a Reward system in the form of Skillcoins. They are rewarded based both on:
How many Actions a person Promotes and has accepted
How many people choose that Action after it is added to the list.
If and how an organization chooses to reward their own people based on Skillcoins is basically up to them, but we do recommend some form of reward system would both inspire people to Promote Actions they may have taken time to research and create, for the benefit of the organization, as well as a means of enhancing employee relations and engagement.
Why would you want to take advantage of this functionality in your organization?
It makes good sense to take advantage of talented employees who have taken the trouble to research and develop custom actions for themselves, and provide those actions to the rest of the employees where applicable.
Reduce the duplication of effort for employees that may be researching the same skill development actions.
Rewarding employees helps promote a more inclusive environment, promoting employee relationships and engagement, and the Skillcoins provides an automated mechanism of doing this.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
To Promote an Action use the Planner/Action Plan interface:
Employees can Promote their own action for Assessment and Acceptance via Action Plan.
Team Leaders and Line Managers can also Promote the Actions of their team Members via the MyPeople interface by selecting the Team Member, then accessing the team members Action Plan.
Skillcoins are attributed to the person carrying out the promotion.
The following is a link to the relevant Planner Guide help page: Guidance.
To Assess and Edit/Accept/Decline a Promote request
This is carried out by People with Admin access, and who have been granted access to
Manage Action List / Manage Action Promotions
Note1: This is usually included in the default Admin configurations.
Note2: Because of Note 1, we do recommend that all Admins are checked, and Manage Action Promotions is removed for all Admins that are not suitable. e.f. People that have been granted Analytics access only will now be automatically ticked, and so will receive the Emails regarding Promotes.
Admins with the suitable access will be informed via Email when an Action has been Promoted, and by whom.
They would then use the Admin interface: Manage Action List to conduct the Assessment and Edit, Accept/Decline the Action as required.
If accepted the Action is Automatically then added to the Action List, and can be managed as per a normal predefined action from then on.
The following is a link to the relevant Admin Guide help page: Guidance
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