5.4 Requesting Certification for one or more Skills
For users of the SkillsTX Personal (Free) license service, certification services are available.
This is a chargeable service (US$435) for up to 6 skills to be assessed.
For payment:
Pay using PayPal via our Learning Management System (LMS) as follows:
Select our Training page: Accredited SFIA Training & Certification Programs - SkillsTX
Scroll down to the Public Training.
Select the SFIA Skill Accreditation filter on the Right Hand Side:
If you already have Login access to our LMS, then use the Login link to log into the LMS.
If you do NOT have an LMS Login then use the Signup link to create an account in our LMS.
Note: You will need to verify your Email address after signup before your account will become Active.
Select the Course: Apply for Skill Accreditation - SkillsTX Personal License Planner Profile.
Select the Get This Course button.
You should then be offered the PayPal payment dialogue. Payment of (US$435) via PayPal.
Complete the Course which is basically instructions and 2 questions to verify who you are and the Skills you wish to have assessed.
If you are unable to pay via PayPal, you can request to be invoiced with an Email to info@skillstx.com providing your information.
An assessor will only be allocated and an assessment scheduled after payment.
For other organizational users, the ability to request assessment under a SFIA Foundation Scheme, and for digital credentials or badges to be issued, can be made available to their Users by Organizations who have purchased Certify Credits from SkillsTX and have had this functionality assigned in the system.
Note: There are fees associated with this activity, and the functionality has to be made available by SkillsTX to the organization and Certify Credits need to have been purchased and allocated.
If you find a + Certify Skills button in your Evidence page, then it indicates:
This functionality has been made available to you.
Your organization (or SkillsTX in the case of Personal Licenses) has Certify Credits available.
Requesting Certification for a Skill
1 Certify Credit is consumed per each Certify Skills request, and each request allows up to 6 skills to be assessed.
Click on Certify Skills
Click the + button in the Certify column associated with the Skill you wish to have Assessed/Certified
Note: you can choose up to 6 Skills (only) that you want certified simultaneously.
The button will change for the selected skills
To Cancel the request for that skill you can press the Button again while it is showing the minus sign
You must have ticked the confirm acceptance block and selected a skill for certification for the Submit button at the bottom to become active
You can use the HERE link in the privacy text line to review a copy of our privacy policy in a separate browser window
Press the Submit button to submit the selected skills for certification
You will need to Confirm your request with OK
Or cancel the submission using Cancel
You should receive a confirmation prompt
Your request will now be queued and await processing according to your organizations certification process. The steps will be similar to the following:
An Assessor will be assigned (by someone with appropriate Admin credentials)
The Assessor may review your Skill Profile, Evidence, Action Plans etc
The Assessor may request an interview to discuss and assess your skills
The Assessor, provided they are satisfied, will select the skill and level they deem that the person has demonstrated and submit it for issuing a Digital Credential / Badge of the appropriate type
Once the badge has been issued via the scheme owner’s badging platform (for example, APMG / Credly), you will receive an email notification to accept the badges from the badging platform, and a notification from the SkillsTX system
And the Evidence will appear in your Evidence list.
On this page:
Reviewing the Digital Credential / Badge
You can review the badge from your Evidence page by selecting the link (Shown as SFIA Accreditation above). It will look similar to the following one depending on the badge issued
You can also use the Show button to review more details.
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