
SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse




Notes from Matthew:

Some great points in here. Many of them will challenge the advice and approach from competitors such as BCS and ValidateSkills, supporting our advice to get a complete picture of the skills inventory rather than just defining roles and assessing people against specific roles.

  •  Critical skills are no longer synonymous with roles

  • Re-evaluate which roles need succession plans and bolster the development paths for potential successors.

  • Re-engineer workforce planning to focus on critical skills versus critical roles.

  • Provide greater career development support to employees in critical roles who lack critical skills.

  • Organizations demonstrating their commitment to employees now will be viewed as top-tier employers.

  • Evolve modeling of skill needs to quickly course correct as conditions change.

  • Provide employees with more varied, adaptive, flexible careers so they acquire valuable cross-functional knowledge and training.

  • Differentiate between critical roles and critical skills and map enterprise wide pipelines for key skills.

  • Support re-skilling and career development. Develop resources and build out platforms to provide visibility into internal positions.