1. Manage Users

This page is used to manage the Users in the System, including producing some of the standard reports


Additional Columns

There is the ability to set-up and include up to 5 Site-defined parameters, (columns), to the Users (People) record. While they can only be defined under Manage Users, afterwards they can be made visible to the following pages:

  1. Manage Users

  2. Assign Participants

  3. Track Participant Progress

Additional Columns Set-Up:

  1. Select the Additional Columns button

  2. They all have Default Column Names of Miscellaneous 1 - 5.

  3. Tick the selection box of the ones you wish to make Visible.

  4. Overwrite the default Miscellaneous Names as required with one that is meaningful to your organization.

    • Refer to the Column naming Warning below

  5. Use Save to Save your changes.

    1. Or Cancel to abandon the changes

  6. Use the Changing Columns Visibility as described below to make the columns visible for the pages that you require.

  7. You can Update the information stored in these columns by:

    1. Using the standard Changing a persons details.

    2. Using Export/Import. (These columns will appear once you have made them visible).

  • Additional Columns should NOT be named with names that may clash with ANY current SkillsTX defined column names, including those that may only be visible in the Analytics. It may cause unpredictable results especially in the Analytics.

    • If unsure, we suggest providing a unique prefix to the name that would ensure the column name is unique to your organization and your SkillsTX instance. e.g. EbsHobby or EbsPayroll #

  • SkillsTX does not carry out any validation regarding the data you choose to store in these columns, and the data quality and options will need to be managed by yourselves.

  • Once added and made visible you will need to ensure your Import files are compatible. If they do NOT include the new Columns, Imports will fail.

Changing column visibility

You are able to adapt the columns of User data that you wish to make visible.

  1. Select the Columns button:

  2. From the resultant List of column headings selection list:

  3. Select the columns you want to display:

    • Green - Selected

    • Blue - Currently un-selected

  4. The table will change according to your selection

  5. Select the Columns button again to close the Header selections

These changes will be retained across Admin sessions (for that page) until you change them again.

On this page:

Users Table Fields Descriptions (Main fields only)

Field Name


Usage Description



  • Change Person Details

  • Delete a person (only visible after a person made Inactive)

  • Generate Person Reports (only be visible when there are suitable reports available)


  • Active

  • Inactive

Active - The person is active and their information will be available in the analytics

Inactive - The person in inactive. They will not be represented anywhere, and will not make use of an active license.

When Inactive, they will also become eligible to be removed (deleted) from the system.


First Name



Last name (Surname)



Preferred Name



Position name



  • User

  • Admin

Describes what roles the person has been allocated

Refer to the full list of User data (Person Fields) available below

Using Search

Table wide Searches:

  1. Anything you type in the top Search block will filter the list of Users based on criteria you provide.

  2. To clear the Search Criteria use the Clear Button.

Column Specific Searches:

You can also filter the table based on data held in specific columns cumulatively.

  1. Add your search criteria a specific column as required.

    • (Example: “gk” to Email address)

  2. You can then add more search criteria to the other columns as required to refine your search even more.

    • (Example “Ken”to Last (name))

  3. Adding search criteria to more columns has an accumulative effect on the filtering.


  • Use the Refresh button to force a refresh of the table list.

    • May be required after changes if they are not being displayed

Changing a persons details

  1. Use the Search functionality to filter on the person if needed

  2. Click the i (information icon) of the person (or their Email address_) to show their Metadata details:

  3. You can display all the available MetaData fields by using the Show more fields link:

  4. Click the Edit button to make changes

  5. Make the necessary changes

    • Refer to the full list of Person Fields on the right for information on how to use and populate them

  6. Press the Save button to save the changes or Cancel to abandon the changes

    1. When you assign someone as an Admin, and after pressing the Save button, you will get the following prompt

    2. If the person does NOT yet have standard Planner access, or you never intend for that person to complete surveys and be granted standard Planner access, you will need to answer OK, in order for them to obtain password access credentials

    3. If they already have a Planner account, (i.e. completed surveys and have an active profile etc), then there will be no need for them do a password reset, so you can use the Cancel button

Role Changes (Only)

The Roles can also be changed directly without having to Open the full set of as per steps 2 to 6 above:

  1. Select the current roles link in the Roles column

  2. Select the role/s required and use the Tick button (which will only become active if you make a change) to save the changes or the 🚫 button to abandon the change

    1. Note the when changing a person for Admin access the same prompt will be activated as described in Step 6 above

Restricting what an Admin Role can action

You are able to restrict the access of a person that has been assigned with an Admin Role to only have access to specific Admin tasks and actions after you have assigned them as an Admin.

  1. Click the i (information icon) of the person to show their details as per above

    1. You will notice that People assigned the Admin role will have an extra button

  2. Click the Update Access Permissions button and the following page will open:

  3. It shows a list of all the Admin Task pages and the Actions related to each task

    1. By default when someone is initially assigned as an Admin role they will have full access to many task pages and perform many actions EXCEPT for example those related to Manage Endorsements and Reports, Manage SFIA Credentials and Reports and Create Endorsed from Approved.

      • Except for Manage Extra Frameworks and Manage SFIA Credentials and Reports. These will only be visible if their functionality has been made available to your organization by SkillsTX.

  4. To change from the default selection you can either:

    1. Deselect any of the Admin Task pages or specific Actions you DO NOT wish the person to be able to carry out.

    2. Use the Clear All button to clear all the selections, and then select each individually as required.

      1. The following are examples of some of the most common action types, the rest are self explanatory e.g.

        • Open - Allows the person to open the That Admin task page by making it visible for selection in their Admin Task Menu

        • Edit - Allows a person to to make changes in the page and Save them

        • Add- Allows the person to add a new component

        • Delete - Allows the person to carry out a delete of components

        • Import/Export - Allows the person to do Exports or Import where applicable

        • Copy Profile as Endorsed - Allows the Admin to copy a Users (Approved only) Profile to an Endorsed version of their Profile using the Create Endorsed from Approved page.

  5. Save the changes using the Save button


Manage Endorsements and Reports access

This is a special type of Admin access for people who are tasked with activities related to carrying out Skill Profile Endorsements.

The following are the Endorsement Action Types and what they can do when selected:

  • Open - Provides access to the Manage Endorsements and Reports task which will appear in their Admin Task Menu and be visible for selection

  • Generate Reports - Allows the person to select, generate and download any of the Users reports, which could possibly be useful for checking when carrying out Endorsements

  • Edit - Allows the person to Edit the Endorsed Profiles of any of the Users. Also allows them to change the Status of a Profile to Reviewed. (Note: Once an Endorsed profile has been edited, it’s status will automatically change to For Review)

  • Approve - Allows the Person to change the Status of a Users Endorsed Profile to Approved

  • Assign Endorser - Allows the person to Assign an Endorser to a User. Only people set up as an Endorser Admin, and with Approve access will be able to be selected and saved for assignment

Manage SFIA Credentials and Reports access

This is a special type of Admin access for SFIA Assessors, (SFIA accredited), people who are tasked with activities related to assessing a persons specific Evidence skill selections, in order that they can be certified and issued with a Badge for the skill at a particular level and added as Evidence to their Profile.

The following are the SFIA Credentials assessor Action Types and what they can do when selected:

  • Open - Provides access to the Manage SFIA Credentials and Reports task which will appear in their Admin Task Menu and be visible for selection

  • Generate Reports - Allows the Assessor to select, generate and download any of the Users reports, which could possibly be useful for checking when carrying out assessments

  • Approve - Allows the Assessor to select the Evidence skill level of the Skill for which the User has submitted for approval, and to submit it for issuing of a Badge.

  • Assign Assessor- Allows the person to Assign an Assessor to a User. Only people set up as an SFIA Assessor, and with Approve access will be able to be selected and saved for assignment






Full list of Person fields

Fields Name



Usage description

Fields Name



Usage description



  • Active (TRUE)

  • Inactive (FALSE)

Active (TRUE) - The person is active and their information will be available in the analytics

Inactive (FALSE) - The person in inactive. They will not be represented anywhere, and will not make use of an active license.

Email (Address)


Valid email address format

Email address (SkillsTX Account ID)




First Name




Last Name (Surname)

Preferred Name



The name they prefer to be addressed as in emails etc. Often this will be set the same as FirstName

Use Preferred Name


Unselect (FALSE)

Select (TRUE)

Unselected (FALSE) - They will be addressed using their Firstname

Selected (TRUE) - They will be addressed using the Preferred name (as per above)




Usually populated with the persons position name in the organization. (e.g. Service Desk Supervisor)




Can be used to identify the persons Team name




Their location. Geographical or some type of indication as to the persons location. (e.g Office Name, City etc). Useful for understanding where a person is located fore re-deployment etc.



Country drop-down selection

The County they are located in




Spare field for use at the organizations discretion



  • User (Default)

  • Admin

The persons role/s:

User - Standard User having a skill Profile etc

Admin - Select if the person is also required to have Administrator access. Caution as this person will not only have full Administration rights, but also access to all the date.

Skip Survey


  • No

  • Yes

No - Standard User - will be presented with self-assessment survey invitation etc.

Yes - The user will receive a Account Access Email containing a password reset link instead of a survey invitation. When logged into their Planner they will be initially presented with minimal Personal Details and blank Skills profile. They will need to edit & populate their Personal Details and do a Create Profile etc to set themselves up with a skills Profile.

Role Based Survey



Requirement Name

Select the Name of the Requirement you wish to have the persons surveys based on.

Endorsement (Validation) Date



Can be used to document the date a person is either scheduled for an Endorsement interview or the date they were Endorsed.




Can be used to identify the Department the person is employed in




Can be used to identify the Division the person is employed in

Cost Centre



Can be used if a Cost Centre is required to be allocated to a person. (e.g. Maybe required for allocating to a training budget)

Is Candidate


  • Unselected (FALSE)

  • Selected (TRUE)

Unselected (FALSE) - Employee status. Their Information will appear in all analytics etc, and they will populate a full License.

Selected (TRUE) - Candidate status. Their Information will only appear in very limited analytics etc (e.g Candidate Matching), and they will NOT populate a License.

Is Contractor


  • Unselected (FALSE)

  • Selected (TRUE)

Unselected (FALSE) - Employee status. Their Information will appear in all analytics they are considered an Employee in all other aspects (including Requirement Assignments) and they will populate a full License.

Selected (TRUE) - Contractor status. Their Information will appear in all analytics they are considered an Employee in all other aspects (including Requirement Assignments). BUT they will only populate 0.5 of a License.

Is Mentor Ineligible


  • Unselected (FALSE)

  • Selected (TRUE)

Can be used to prevent or stop a person from being selected as a Mentor.

  1. If selected before a person has ever been assigned as a Mentor, they will never see the ability to set up their mentor Preferences and be selected as a Mentor.

  2. If selected after a person has previously been assigned as a Mentor, it removes their ability to manage their mentor Preferences or to be assigned as a Mentor.

    • However any Mentor Relationships already established will remain, and they will still be able to access their Mentee’s info visa MyPeople.

Leave On



Can be used to specify when a person is scheduled to leave the organization. (Can be used for knowing when they could be made Inactive (and possibly deleted), and therefore no longer populate a license.

Business Unit



Can be used to identify the Business Unit the person is employed in




Can be used to identify the Territory a person is deployed in




Can be used to identify the persons Supervisor.

Miscellaneous 1-5




Deleting a Person from the system

  1. First change their details to make them Inactive (see above)

  2. After a screen refresh, the Delete Icon will appear next to the i Icon

  3. Press the Delete Icon to remove the person from the system

  4. You will need to confirm via the Confirmation pop-up dialogue

  5. Press OK to permanently delete the person

Generate Person Reports

You are able to generate a set of a persons reports by selecting the Printer Icon Action item

  1. Select the Printer Icon:

    • Note: The list of reports will depend on what reports are available for the person

  2. Select the reports you wish to generate e.g.

  3. Use the Generate Reports button to produce the reports.

    • Note: Button will only become active after at least 1 report has been selected

  4. A .zip file will be downloaded containing the reports you requested

  5. Extract the files and save as required

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