Adding Links to Emails to streamline actions such as booking Validation sessions

Make use of the SkillsTX generated emails to streamline actions such as booking Validation sessions or linking to other intranet pages

Step-by-step guide

  1. There are a set of emails provided by the SkillsTx system that may be suitable for adapting to include actions such as links to session booking systems for booking profile Validation sessions, links to a bespoke Satisfaction Survey following Validations, or to intranet pages etc. Some of these Emails are sent automatically following an action such as completing the self-assessment surveys, provided it has been configured to do so. The following being a list of the Emails:

    • Self Assessment Invites - Manual send - Refer Send Self Assessment Invites task

    • Self Assessment Reminders - Manual send - Refer Send Self Assessment Reminders task

    • Self Rated Skills  - Auto send after surveys completion - Refer IT Professional Individual Reports task

    • Validated Skills - Auto send after Validation completion - Refer IT Professional Individual Reports task

    • Action Plan - Auto send following a manual request in the Planner - Refer IT Professional Individual Reports task

  2. Edit the appropriate email to include the wording and links required

  3. Save the new version of the email template

  4. Send Test of the email to ensure it is suitable and the links work as expected

Of course all Emails templates are able to be tailored as required, the above selection are the ones that are tailored most often for including links