SkillsTx Management Console Help

2.8 Licencing

Overview of current Licensing status:


Description and usage


The name of the Customer owning the Workspace                   


The name of the Workspace

Active Users

How many Active Users currently

Licenses Held

Number of Licenses currently held

Billing Options

Either Pay Annually or Pay Monthly


Description and usage


Type of License. One of either:

  • Define

  • Assess (To be withdrawn in the near future)



Renewal On

Date of next renewal

Auto Renewal

Yes or No

Price Band

  1. 1 - 199 Licenses

  2. 200 - 499 Licenses

  3. 500 - 999 Licenses

  4. 1000 - 4999 Licenses

  5. 5000+ Licenses

Price per License

Price per Licence based on the Price Band and Currency

Months to Renewal

How many months to renewal

Est. Cost at Renewal

Estimated cost at renewal. (Estimate based on Active Users)

Purchase Order

PO number (Optional)


Starts the License calculator for the Workspace in a separate window. Can be

used to model and plan licensing requirements

All columns can be used for sorting and there is Search capability. However, in most cases there will only be a single Workspace

Copyright Tx Management Services Pty Ltd 2018