
SkillsTx uses Microsoft PowerBI for its' analytics.

There are three (3) sets of Analytics available depending on access rights:

Workspace (Corporate) analytics:

Page Name


Ex Dashboard

Employee Experience Dashboard. Tracks a set of criteria that are used to generate an Employee Experience score

Ex Deep Dive

Provides an in depth view of the data behind the Employee Experience score

Team/Project Builder

Provides the ability to pinpoint candidates for a specific set of skills

Force Graph(Self)

Provides a Force Graph of Employee to Employee to Job/Role in order to gauge weaknesses based on % match and manage risk. Based on self-assessed profiles

Force Graph(Endorsed)

Provides a Force Graph of Employee to Employee to Job/Role in order to gauge weaknesses based on % match and manage risk. Based on Endorsed profiles

Candidate/Job Matching

Provides the ability to identify potential candidates, including external candidates for a Job or role

Action Analysis

Provides an analysis of current development actions

Action Plans

Provides a detailed view of the development actions

Skill Gaps

Provides an analysis of the number of people with skill gaps. Can be used for risk analysis.

Org Skill Gap

Provides an analysis of the FTE requirements vs skills highlighting under and over supplies of skills. Can be used for risk analysis.

Job/Role Explorer

Provides a detailed skills breakdown of the jobs and roles

Job/Person Compare

Provides a comparison analysis of Job/Role to individuals

Mentor Finder

Provides a suggested list of people who may be suitable for mentoring of targeted skills

Skill Palette

Provides an overall picture of the count of persons by Skill Category and Skill Code. Can be used to export the total picture of skills status

Skill Changes

Provides a breakdown of skill changes that have been made and the Profile approvals status

LoR Count

Provides a count of Generic levels of Responsibility (LoR)

LoR Changes

Provides a breakdown of LoR changes that have been made and the Profile approvals status

Self vs Endorsed

Provides a comparison breakdown of SFIA skill categories between self-Assessed vs Endorsed profiles

Out-Lier Analysis

Provides an analysis of the count of skills by individuals self-assessed skills selected and highlights possible inconsistencies that may warrant possible attention. To assist in improving data quality


A detailed look at the data behind the Our-Lier analysis. To assist in improving data quality


An analysis of notifications that have been sent during a specific time period. e.g. May highlight possible evidence expires


A breakdown of individuals answers to how prepared they were for the self-assessment surveys. May highlight potential weaknesses in the communication plan. Being better prepared will encourage more honest and truthful survey replies, and therefore help improve data quality from the self-assessments

Org Chart

A visual breakdown of the Organizational structure

Skill Attributes

A full breakdown of all the Attributes assigned to skill and selected by individuals or Job/Roles. Can be used to find people who have needed skill attributes


A full breakdown of all persons captured in the workspace and their person details

DSM Maturity

An analysis of the organisations Digital Skill Maturity (DSM) based on the data captured

SFIA Explorer

A handy (searchable) reference to the SFIA skills


A workforce summary based on the data captured


Notes about the Analytics

Team analytics:

Page Name


What skills do we have

Provides an overall picture of the count of persons by Skill Category and Skill Code. Can be used to export the total picture of skills status

Map to what's needed

Provides Force Graphs of Employee to Employee to Job/Role in order to gauge weaknesses based on % match and manage risk

Action Plans and Gaps

Provides an analysis of skill gaps and Development Action Plans

Skill Gaps

Provides an analysis of the number of people with skill gaps. Can be used for risk analysis.

Skill Changes

Provides a breakdown of skill changes that have been made and the Profile approvals status

LoR Changes

Provides a breakdown of LoR changes that have been made and the Profile approvals status

Profile Versions

Shows what skills selected for which Profile versions. Used for helping manage approvals

Candidate/Job Matching

Provides the ability to identify potential candidates, including external candidates for a Job or role

SFIA Explorer

A handy (searchable) reference to the SFIA skills

Enterprise analytics:

Because it can contain data that could be considered sensitive, such as comments provided by people completing surveys, that they do not wish to be viewed by unauthorised people.

Page Name



A enterprise workforce summary based on all the data captured

Team/Project Builder

Provides the ability to pinpoint candidates for a specific set of skills

Force Graph(Self)

Provides a Force Graph of Employee to Employee to Job/Role in order to gauge weaknesses based on % match and manage risk. Based on self-assessed profiles

Force Graph(Endorsed)

Provides a Force Graph of Employee to Employee to Job/Role in order to gauge weaknesses based on % match and manage risk. Based on Endorsed profiles

Action Analysis

Provides an analysis of current development actions

Action Plans

Provides a detailed view of the development actions

Skill Gaps

Provides an analysis of the number of people with skill gaps. Can be used for risk analysis.

Skill Palette

Provides an overall picture of the count of persons by Skill Category and Skill Code. Can be used to export the total picture of skills status

LoR Count

Provides a count of Generic levels of Responsibility (LoR)

Self vs Valid

Provides a comparison breakdown of SFIA skill categories between self-Assessed vs Endorsed (Validated) profiles

Survey Rating Summary

Provides a Summary of the Survey rating and a Word-cloud highlighting the most common comments

Survey Rating Detailed

Provides the details of the data underlying the Summary, including the individuals ratings and comments.

This data could be considered sensitive for some organsiations

Click Tracking

Provides click tracking details of the predefined actions. Information may be useful for understanding what are the most commonly selected actions. Also useful for training providers.


Notes about the Analytics

Generic Features and functionality:


Most analytics have filters that allow the information to be filtered for specific circumstances at the time. The usage of most filters are self-evident based on their name. Some may be multi leveled and allow a drill down option enabling overall or specific selection: (e.g. County, Location, Team).

The availability of some filters may depend on what fields have been chosen to be used for the Individuals details as well as the data that has been captured.

The name of the filter may also be dependent on the type of Analytics page been reviewed. There is a legacy aspect in that similar filters have different names depending on the Page.

Where applicable multiple selection can be made by holding the ctrl key & selecting additional items in the same list.


Usage / Description


Multi Level

% Match

The % Match between an individual and a Job

Based on data captured

Action List

List of actions

Based on data captured

Action Type and Status

The type of Action & the Status

Based on data captured



For use when Profile Approvals have been activated and used

Not Approved

Approved Profile

For use when Profile Approvals have been activated and used



Individuals name

Based on data captured

Bus Unit>Cost Centre>Country>Dept>Div>Location>Position>Supervisor>Team>Territory

A selection of individuals details parameters

Based on data captured



Refers to the type of capabilities able to be selected for skills



SFIA Skill Category

SFIA skill categories


A selection of individuals details parameters

Based on data captured



A selection of individuals details parameters

Based on data captured


County, Location, Team

select specific Country/s & Location/s

Based on data captured



A selection of individuals details parameters

Based on data captured



A selection of individuals details parameters

Based on data captured


External Candidate

Whether or not to include External Candidates. 



Full time Employees number

Based on data captured

FullName, Email

Individuals Name & Email address

Based on data captured


Include Candidate

Whether or not to include External Candidates. 


Individual or Job/Role

Whether Attributes selection based on an Individual or Job/Role

Job or Role

Intervention/Course Name

name of the course or intervention

Based on data captured

Is Candidate

Whether or not to include External Candidates. 



Job or role name

Based on data captured

Job / Role

Job or role name

Based on data captured

Job Family (name)

Job Family selection

Based on data captured

Job Name

A specific Job Name

Based on data captured


Job & skill

Based on data captured


JobMatch Type

Job types to be matched


Latest Profile change date

Range of dates slider

Leader Email

Email of Line manager or Team leader

Based on data captured

Leader Name

Name of Line manager or Team leader

Based on data captured


The SFIA skill levels (As applicable to the selected skills)

LoR Name

SFIA generic Levels of Responsibilities (LoRs)


Match Range

The % match range that should be applied. E.g. You may only want to review individuals that are matched below a certain threshold



Type of matching required to a skill selection or gap

Skill Gap

Name & Email

Individuals Name & Email address

Based on data captured

Notification Sent

Range of dates slider


Email address of individuals

Based on data captured

Person Email

The email of the person

Based on data captured

Persons with LoR changes

Individuals Name & Email address

Based on data captured


Persons with Skill changes

Individuals Name & Email address

Based on data captured



Individuals position

Based on data captured

Profile Type

The type of Profile to include

Self Rated
Self Rated Only

Provider Name

The name of the Training provider/s

Based on data captured

Readiness Rating

Select the type of readiness rating if filtering needed

Based on data captured


Job relationship

Not assigned


Org Structure relationship

Is Line manager of
Is Team leader of


Skill Requirements type for the Job


Result Type

Type of Profile being matched

Self Rated Only


Range of dates slider

Skill Code

SFIA skill code

SFIA skill codes

Skill Code/Level

SFIA skill code & level selection

SFIA skill codes & levels


Skill Name

SFIA Skill name

SFIA skill names

Sub Category

SFIA Sub category

SFIA sub categories


Select specific Team/s

Based on data captured

Training Provider

The name of the Training provider/s

Based on data captured

Drill-down (filter) selection:

Most of the of resultant charts and tables provide the ability to drill down and filter the data been shown by selecting a particular aspect of the chart or table.

Exporting data:

Most of the resultant data data panels are able to be exported to an Excel Workbook that can the be manipulated and used as required.

The following Help page from the Admin console explains how to export data from the analytics:

3.4.1 Analytics Exports

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