Restricting what an Admin Role can action
You are able to restrict the access of a person that has been assigned with an Admin Role to only have access to specific Admin tasks and actions after you have assigned them as an Admin.
You are also able to easier manage how Permissions are allocated using Admin Role Templates.
Note |
Warning! If a person has already been assigned as an Owner of 1 or more Requirements, when you configure them as an Admin, they will lose their Planner Menu tab for Manage Requirements, and instead they should use their Admin Menu tab, and in which case you will also need to ensure they have access to the necessary Manage Requirements Admin options. (i.e. At least Open and Edit, Generate Reports and possibly Delete). |
Click the i (information icon) of the person to show their meta data details as per above.
You will notice that People assigned the Admin role will have an extra button
Click the Update Access Permissions button and the following page will open:
It shows a list of all the Admin Task pages and the Actions related to each task
By default when someone is initially assigned as an Admin role they will have full access to a default set of task pages and to perform a set of actions.
Note: Certain ones will only be visible if their functionality has been made available to your organization by SkillsTX.
The following are examples of some of the most common action types, the rest are self explanatory e.g.
Open - Allows the person to open the That Admin task page by making it visible for selection in their Admin Task Menu
Edit - Allows a person to to make changes in the page and Save them
Add- Allows the person to add a new component
Delete - Allows the person to carry out a delete of components
Import/Export - Allows the person to do Exports or Import where applicable
Copy Profile as Endorsed - Allows the Admin to copy a Users (Approved only) Profile to an Endorsed version of their Profile using the Create Endorsed from Approved page.
Changing the default selection Manually
Deselect any of the Admin Task pages or specific Actions you DO NOT wish the person to be able to carry out.
Or use the Clear All button to clear all the selections, and then select each individually as required.
Select any of the Admin Task pages or specific Actions individually as required that you DO wish the person to be able to carry out.
Save the changes using the Save button
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There is one Important action related to the Manage Users page, that needs to be considered from a Security Perspective. That is the ability for an Admin to make changes to other Admins preferences. You may wish to restrict who is able to Update Access Permission. |
Note |
Giving a Leader access to the Approve SelfAssessed (Approve) function, may be overridden by specific individual Relationships via Manage Relationships.
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Tip |
Some of these precautions above may be more easily managed using the Admin Role Templates. Refer: |
Manage Endorsements and Reports access
This is a special type of Admin access for people who are tasked with activities related to carrying out Skill Profile Endorsements.
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In most cases, you would NOT wish that people specifically tasked with carrying out Endorsements, to also to have access any of the other Admin functionality. e.g. Especially if they are consultants external to the organization We strongly suggest that the Clear All button is utilized when setting up Endorsement roles, and then selecting the required Endorsement functions only, unless the person is also suitably qualified and required to carry out other Admin tasks |
The following are the Endorsement Action Types and what they can do when selected:
Open - Provides access to the Manage Endorsements and Reports task which will appear in their Admin Task Menu and be visible for selection
Generate Reports - Allows the person to select, generate and download any of the Users reports, which could possibly be useful for checking when carrying out Endorsements
Edit - Allows the person to Edit the Endorsed Profiles of any of the Users. Also allows them to change the Status of a Profile to Reviewed. (Note: Once an Endorsed profile has been edited, it’s status will automatically change to For Review)
Approve - Allows the Person to change the Status of a Users Endorsed Profile to Approved
Assign Endorser - Allows the person to Assign an Endorser to a User. Only people set up as an Endorser Admin, and with Approve access will be able to be selected and saved for assignment
For some organizations, the person carrying out Endorsements may be tasked with carrying out the full lifecycle of an Endorsement, from setting up and conducting an interview through to creating/editing the Endorsed Profile, reviewing it and Approving it.
For other organizations they may have different roles for different aspect of the Endorsement lifecycle.
Therefore it is important that the accesses are granted according to the role requirements, ensuring that only suitably qualified Endorsers, are provided with Approval access.
Tip |
These may be more easily managed using the Admin Role Templates. Refer: |
Manage SFIA Credentials and Reports access
This is a special type of Admin access for SFIA Assessors, (SFIA accredited), people who are tasked with activities related to assessing a persons specific Evidence skill selections, in order that they can be certified and issued with a Badge for the skill at a particular level and added as Evidence to their Profile.
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In most cases, you would NOT wish SFIA Assessors to also to have access any of the other Admin functionality. e.g. Especially if they are consultants external to the organization We strongly suggest that the Clear All button is utilized when setting up SFIA Credentials assessment roles, and then selecting the required Manage SFIA Credentials and Reports functions only, unless the person is also suitably qualified and required to carry out other Admin tasks |
The following are the SFIA Credentials assessor Action Types and what they can do when selected:
Open - Provides access to the Manage SFIA Credentials and Reports task which will appear in their Admin Task Menu and be visible for selection
Generate Reports - Allows the Assessor to select, generate and download any of the Users reports, which could possibly be useful for checking when carrying out assessments
Approve - Allows the Assessor to select the Evidence skill level of the Skill for which the User has submitted for approval, and to submit it for issuing of a Badge.
Assign Assessor- Allows the person to Assign an Assessor to a User. Only people set up as an SFIA Assessor, and with Approve access will be able to be selected and saved for assignment
For some organizations, the person carrying out Assessments may be tasked with carrying out the full lifecycle of an Evidence selection, from assigning an Assessor, setting up and conducting an interview through to selecting the Evidence skill selection and submitting it for a badge.
For other organizations they may have different roles for different aspect of the Evidence assessment lifecycle. (e.g. Someone may be specifically tasked with only assigning assessors, but not suitable qualified to download reports or carry out assessments).
Therefore it is important that the accesses are granted according to the role requirements, ensuring that only suitably qualified Assessors, are provided with Approval access.
Tip |
These may be more easily managed using the Admin Role Templates. Refer: |
On this page:
Table of Contents |
Using Admin Role Templates
You are able to setup and save a set of predefined Admin Role templates. These templates can then be Loaded into a persons Admin permission settings as required, rather than having to use the manual method.
Saving a new Admin Role Template
Open the Admin Permissions for an Administrator that reflects the permissions your require as a template.
Select the Save as Admin Role button
Provide a name for the new role that reflects it’s usage (Max 30 characters)
Use the Save button to save the new Role
Or Cancel of you wish to abandon it
You should get the following acknowledgment prompt
And the list will be expanded with the new Template:
The new template can now be used to set up the same set of permissions for other Admins.
Loading a Template
To Load a template in order to set permission for another Administrator:
Open their permissions using the Update Access Permissions
Use the Load Admin Role button
You have the option to:
First view the Template by selecting the View button on the role you wish to load:
And then if happy use the Load Admin Role button to Load it or you have the option to also make some changes before loading.
Use the Load button on the Admin Role you wish to Load.
Use the Save button to save the Permissions
Note: you can of course make changes before using the Save, if the template is not exactly to you requirements.
Overwrite an Admin Role
Open the Admin Permissions for an Administrator that reflects the permissions your require to overwrite for another template.
Use the Save Admin Role button
Use the Overwrite button on the template you wish to overwrite
Accept (OK) the resultant pop-up
Or Cancel to abandon the overwrite
You should get an acknowledgement prompt
Close X or cancel the Save Template pop-up etc
Deleting an Admin Template
Use the Delete button associated with the Save template pop-up
Accept (OK) the resultant pop-up
Or Cancel to abandon the delete
You should get an acknowledgement prompt
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