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Average IT decision-maker salary hits record $141,024 in US (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)
UN body warns of up to 25M job losses due to COVID-19 (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)
Reskilling and Upskilling the Workforce - Gartner (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)
Why cultural change is so hard - TM Forum Inform (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)
How HR leaders can prepare for the future of work: 5 strategies (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)
Attract and Retain Technology Talent > lil-guide-attract-retain-top-tech-talent.pdf (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)
Addressing the Skills Gap from Within - HR Daily Advisor (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)
Gartner Identifies Five Areas HR Leaders Must Address That Will Impact the Future of Work (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)
Boosting tech skills could add $207 billion to the Australian economy, say industry groups - Which-50 (SkillsTx Knowledge Warehouse)